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How long can steamed buns be cooked

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How long can steamed buns be cooked


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  • 2024-05-26 14:00:00

    The steamed bun is a common pastry. The practice of this kind of pastry is very simple. We can prepare wheat flour, yeast powder and white granulated sugar. After mixing the wheat flour and yeast powder into a uniform paste, we cut the paste into a small piece, and then boil the paste to make a steamed bun. Generally, it takes 20 minutes to make steamed buns. The boiled steamed buns can be taken immediately, and you can try them.

    1. How long does it take to cook steamed bread

    Steaming time depends on the size of the pot and the size of the steamed bun. The steamed bun is usually steamed for 20 minutes after the steamed bun is put into the pot and boiled with calcium and magnesium ions. We all know that the bigger the ingredients are, the more fried they are. The same is true for steamed buns. The bigger the steamed buns are, the more cooked they are. Therefore, the time for making steamed buns is also different due to the different size of steamed buns. Generally, steamed buns last longer. The average size of a steamed bun is about 3-4 cm in diameter. After boiling, it can take ten minutes to go up and down. The specific time for making steamed buns depends on your own control. To see whether the steamed buns are ripe, you can lift the steamed buns, turn them over and press them with your hands. If they bounce up, they are ripe. If there is a pit, it indicates that they are under heated.

    2. How long does it take to make steamed bread to wake up? It takes 10-15 minutes to make steamed bread to wake up. When making steamed buns, be sure to wake up enough. Generally, wake up for 10-15 minutes before steaming. If the cooked steamed buns can wake up on the chopping board for a short time, they need to be put on the drawer when the pot cannot be opened (the whole process of boiling water is also equal to waking up).

    3. Steaming Steamed Buns in Daily Life

    Raw materials: 500g flour, appropriate water, appropriate yeast powder

    Method: 1. Soak yeast powder in warm water and slowly pour it into wheat flour to mix. 2. Mix it into a floc, then gradually soften it into a batter, put it in a warm place and make it mellow. After about 30 minutes, it will be twice as big. 3. Rub the exhaust pipe, soften it into batter and wake up for 20 minutes. Rub it again and wake up two or three times. The steamed buns are delicious. 4. After going back and forth for several times, make the noodles into a small squeeze, then make them into a bun shape, put them into a cold water pot, and wake up for 15 minutes before firing. 5. Put on the cover, shoot and steam for 20 minutes. After the fire is stopped, let it cool for three or five minutes before boiling.

    4. How to know if the steamed bread is too ripe

    To distinguish whether steamed buns are cooked or uncooked, first, you can gently pat the steamed buns with your hands, which are ready to be cooked if they are malleable; second, you can tear the skin of a steamed bun, which will be ready if you can untie the skin, otherwise it will be immature. Third, after touching the steamed bun with your finger, the dent quickly reverts to a cooked steamed bun. If the dent does not revert, it indicates that it has not been cooked yet.

    5 Tips for making steamed bread

    1. When making steamed buns, if the noodles seem to be fat but not fat, you can dig a pit in the middle of the batter, pour two cups of pure grain wine, and after 10 minutes, the noodles will be steamed.

    2. If there is no yeast when you wake up, you can use pure honey instead. 15-20 grams of pure honey is added to every 500 grams of wheat flour. After the batter is softened, cover it with wet cloth for 4-6 hours. The steamed buns steamed from honey hair noodles are soft and fragrant, and the channels are sweet.

    3. In winter, the room temperature is low, and it takes a long time to wake up. If you put some sugar in the face when you are mellow, you can reduce the time to wake up.

    4. In the mellow batter, people often put proper alkali to remove the strange smell. Check whether the amount of alkali is appropriate. Cut a piece of batter with a knife. If there are holes with symmetrical sesame seeds on the top, it indicates that the amount of alkali is appropriate.

    5. If the steamed bun turns yellow due to too much alkali, and the alkali taste is pungent, 100-160 grams of edible vinegar can be added to the steamed bun water, and the steamed bun can be steamed again in the pot for 10-15 minutes, and the skin of the steamed bun will turn white without alkali taste.

    6. When making steamed buns, put a little salt water in the wheat flour to promote mellow hair. The steamed buns are white and fragrant.


    2024-05-26 14:00:00

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