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What's the recipe for stewing tofu with large intestine

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What's the recipe for stewing tofu with large intestine


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  • 2024-05-26 07:00:00

    Tofu stewed with large intestine is a home-made stir fry that we usually can eat. Although it smells bad, it tastes very delicious. In addition, the nutritional ingredients of tofu stewed with large intestine are very rich and colorful. The nutritional value of tofu is very high. Frequent use of bean curd stewed with large intestine is also beneficial to human health, Usually, all the intestines and water tofu we usually taste are purchased outside. In fact, if we grasp the method well, we can make it very delicious at home. Let's learn about the method of stewing tofu with large intestine?

    Stewed Tofu with Large Intestine

    Seasonings: soy sauce (10g), rice wine (15g), salt (6g), chicken essence (3g), edible oil (30g)

    . Compile this paragraph for processing technology expansion. 1 The pig intestines and sour peppers were cut into horseshoe segments with oblique knife;

    2. Cut tofu into thick slices;

    3. Rinse the tender vegetable and vegetable heart with tap water to control the moisture removal;

    4. Put the pot on fire and add some oil to heat it to 80%;

    5. Deep fry the bean curd until it is orange. Remove and drain the oil;

    6. Put the intestines and fried tofu slices into the boiling water pot respectively to drink water;

    7. Place the pot on the fire, and put the sauerkraut fish hot pot, sausage section, tofu slice, wild pepper section, soy sauce, rice wine and tender vegetable heart into the pot to boil;

    8. Remove the white foam, stew it gently until it is thoroughly cooked and tastes good, and sprinkle it with salt and chicken essence.

    . Method of cooked sausage

    Production of raw material vaccines that need to be prepared in advance

    1 jin intestines

    1 jin water tofu

    Appropriate soy sauce

    Appropriate onion segment

    Appropriate water

    Production process vaccine

    technological process. 1. Buy the existing cooked intestines and cut them into strips

    technological process. 2 Add water tofu

    technological process. 3 Pour in proper soy sauce, scallions and ginger slices

    technological process. 4 Add proper amount of water and stew until it is OK

    . Recipe nutrition

    Water tofu: The protein content of water tofu is rich and colorful, and the protein of water tofu is a thorough protein, which not only contains eight kinds of carbohydrates essential to the body, but also accounts for a proportion close to the body's needs, with a high nutritional content; It has the effect of softening blood vessels, maintaining vascular somatic cells and preventing cardiovascular diseases. In addition, water tofu is also good for recuperation, weight loss and skin care after illness.

    Pig intestines: pig intestines can moisten lungs, nourish yin and blood, quench thirst and promote blood circulation. They can be used to treat weak dry mouth, prolapse of anus, hemorrhoids, bloody stool, constipation and other diseases. With its cold nature, people with spleen deficiency and loose stools are forbidden to eat.

    The above is a detailed introduction to the method of stewing tofu with large intestine. According to our understanding of many delicious foods in daily life, it is not too difficult to make them. The method of stewing tofu with large intestine is relatively simple. Why don't those who like to eat this special food try to make it according to the above method, In fact, the best thing in our daily life is that we can not only make delicious food for ourselves, but also gain the recognition of our relatives and friends. This is also a really happy thing.

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