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Steps of steaming steamed buns with yeast

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Steps of steaming steamed buns with yeast


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  • 2024-05-26 14:00:00

    The method of making steamed buns with yeast is very simple. First, prepare the raw materials required for steamed buns in advance. The raw materials used include fermentation powder, wheat flour and edible salt. Mix the wheat flour and fermentation powder evenly according to a certain proportion, and then use warm water to knead the dough. After 20 minutes of kneading, Finally, cut the batter into a small piece and steam it for 30 minutes. Those who like steamed buns can learn the process of training yeast steamed buns.

    How to use yeast to make noodles-

    -1. According to the indicated usage, it can be slightly more in winter-

    -2. Put the yeast into a bowl, add a spoonful of white granulated sugar, and melt it with warm boiled water. Pour it into the wheat flour and knead it until it is slightly soft. Cover with a wet rag and place it in a warm place. When the volume increases and there are many bubbles in the surface, it can dry-

    -3. Put dry cotton towel on the back cover of the steamed bun and let it stand for 20 minutes-

    -4. Boil the water into the frying pan and steam it for 15-20 minutes in case of fire-

    -Do you use boiling water or cold water to make steamed bread-

    -It should be noted that during the process of boiling, the heat must be low, and cold water should be used in the pot. If the fire boils like usual, it must be dead paste. The method of boiling water in fire is only applicable to the surface with old surface.

    Do not use boiled water to make steamed bread-

    -Many people like to use boiled water or boiling water to make steamed buns. They think it can be boiled quickly. In fact, this is not reasonable. As the steamed bun with raw and cold food suddenly encounters the heat flow, the surface bonding is very easy to make the steamed bun half cooked-

    The proper way is to add cold water in the pot, put the steamed buns into the pot, and then increase the temperature to make the steamed buns even, soft and refreshing when heated-

    -How to make steamed bread-

    -There are several ways to distinguish between raw and cooked steamed bread:-

    -(1) Pat the steamed bun gently with your hand, and it will be ready when it is malleable-

    -(2) Tear the skin of a steamed bun. If you can untie the skin, it will be ripe, otherwise it will be immature-

    -3) After touching the steamed bun with your finger, the dent quickly reverts to a cooked steamed bun. If the dent is not restored, it indicates that it is not cooked yet-

    -How to steam the steamed buns of Xuan Song-

    -The key to making steamed bread is to make it mellow. Yeast can make cassava starch in batter produce chemical reaction, convert it into sugar, pure acid, etc., and release carbon dioxide gas. However, if the heating method is not appropriate, for example, immediately put it on the pan and burn it, because it is not symmetrical when heated, it will only become a "coarse grain pancake" with hard skin and soft inside; If you want a soft steamed bun, be sure to ask high temperature steam for help. When people put the raw steamed buns into the drawer, the hot steam quickly surrounds the steamed buns and evenly heats them from all around. The carbon dioxide gas in the steamed bun is deformed by heat, but it is not easy to emerge. It has to drill back and forth in the steamed bun, so it will swell many small bubbles, making the steamed bun loose and cheerful. If you put some sugar in the flour, it will be mellow enough, the steam temperature is high, and the steam supply is strong, you can steam out the "blooming" steamed buns with split surface. The steamed buns like that are quite extensible and delicious-


    2024-05-26 14:00:00

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