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Can dandelion be soaked in water with medlar

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Can dandelion be soaked in water with medlar


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  • 2024-05-26 14:00:00

    Dandelion and lycium barbarum soaked in water have the effect of beauty and beauty, and are very beneficial to the basic metabolism of human body. Dandelion and wolfberry also have the function of nourishing yin and reducing fire, and have the function of blood making, supplementing qi and nourishing blood. So, can dandelion flower and wolfberry be soaked in water? Now let's have a simple grasp and understanding of this problem, and look forward to the following points to help you!

    Dandelion flower is a kind of traditional Chinese medicine, which is mainly used to clear away heat and heat, and eliminate lumps. Lycium barbarum is a kind of traditional Chinese medicine belonging to nourishing blood and qi. Therefore, it is very rare to make tea with dandelion and wolfberry. But it doesn't mean that you can't drink together in water. There is no obvious pharmaceutical taboo for dandelion and wolfberry to drink together in water.

    If the patient's physical quality is relatively weak, he also has the heat image of human body mass, and can drink water together with dandelion and medlar. Therefore, whether to drink together or not should be decided according to the patient's physical quality.

    Benefits of dandelion flower and medlar soaking in water

    Generally speaking, the disadvantage of soaking wolfberry in water is actually not great. Those who love to eat wolfberry only pay special attention not to take too much. Workers make tea every day and eat it at noon. It not only has the effect of nourishing the liver and eyesight, but also promotes sleep.

    Making tea and taking medlar is the most thorough way to digest and absorb nutrients among all the ways of taking medlar. Pour the wolfberry into a cup, soak it with boiling water, and it can be eaten after the water is warm, and the wolfberry can absorb moisture to repair the original fruit condition.

    With the popularization of video machines and equipment, various electronic products such as mobile phones, computers and televisions have taken up a lot of time. Traditional Chinese medicine says that "prolonged vision damages the liver". Long term eye use will not only lead to dry eyes, eye acid, eye congestion, etc., but also cause damage to the liver, which is mainly manifested in restlessness, anger and other diseases. It is suggested to use lycium barbarum Mulberry leaves, yellow chrysanthemum and other prescriptions for Juqi tea have good practical effect of clearing heat and removing fire.

    Although Lycium barbarum has very good nourishing, health preserving and healing effects, not all people are suitable to take it. Because it is very effective for people with damp and hot body, people who have fever, cold, inflammation and diarrhea should not eat it.

    Because the actual effect of lycium barbarum on human body is very strong, people who suffer from high blood pressure, are too impatient, or usually eat a lot of meat products that cause a reddish face, have a fever, cold, body inflammation, diarrhea should not eat. Dandelion tea cannot be eaten cold, because cold food will cause diarrhea.

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