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The best match of celery

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The best match of celery


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  • 2024-05-26 14:00:00

    Lettuce contains a lot of protein, carbohydrate compounds and carotene, so we often eat some lettuce, which has many benefits for our human body. However, because lettuce has a unique taste, many people still don't like to eat it. In fact, when making lettuce, most people throw away the leaves of lettuce, In fact, the leaves of lettuce are edible, so what's the best match for lettuce?

    Lettuce is a common food. Lettuce contains protein, carbohydrate compounds, carotene, B vitamins, calcium, phosphorus, iron, sodium, etc. Eating celery often, especially celery leaves, is very beneficial to prevent hypertension, arteriosclerosis, etc., and has an auxiliary therapeutic effect. But what food is more nutritious with lettuce? I strongly recommend some best partners of lettuce for everyone today.

    Lettuce and peanut kernels

    Lettuce has a strong effect on clearing away heat and fire, eliminating diseases and strengthening the body. Peanut kernels can improve memory, resist aging, and clear the lung and moisten the lung, nourish qi and blood. Therefore, the delicious cold dishes made from lettuce and peanut kernels can not only help the liver detoxification, but also benefit the brain.

    Raw materials: peanuts, lettuce.

    Method of mixing peanut kernels with celery: Boil 50g peanuts, clean 250g lettuce stems, cut them into small pieces and blanch them with boiling water, put them on the plate, add proper salt, chicken essence, fresh juice (or sesame oil), and then take them.

    Function: improve cardiovascular and cerebrovascular circulation system

    In addition to flowering and kernels, lettuce is also suitable for eating with white sesame, lily and carrot.

    Lettuce white sesame

    Raw materials: 300g lettuce, 2 small peppers, proper cooked sesame seeds, 20g salad oil, 3g salt, 1g chicken essence.

    Method of mixing white sesame with celery:

    1. Clean and cut lettuce into strips. Peel off the peduncle and seed of small pepper, cut into strips and pad the bottom.

    2. Add water to the pot and boil it. Put lettuce into the pot and boil it. After picking it up, control the dry water and put it on the plate. Add white sesame, salt, chicken essence, salad oil and stir it.

    Lettuce Lily

    Raw materials: 150g celery, 250g fresh lily (also suitable for dry lily), proper salt, 10g cheese powder, sugar, small amount of monosodium glutamate, 30Ml oil.

    Stir fried Lily with Celery

    1. Remove the thick skin and stem of fresh lily, disassemble and clean it (dry lily is soaked with small water, and controlled to dry for standby), tear off the old tendon of celery, clean and trim it, put it into boiling water for blanching, pick it up and quickly put it into cold water, and control to dry for standby.

    2. Bring the wok to a boil, add oil, and heat it to 50%. Add celery and stir fry it quickly.

    3. Add lilies and stir quickly until the lilies are slightly transparent. Add salt, sugar, monosodium glutamate seasoning, and then use a small amount of cheese powder to hook the plate.

    Lettuce and carrot

    Raw materials: 300g water celery, 150g carrot, 5g salt, 10ml sesame oil, mushroom essence (or monosodium glutamate, mushroom essence).

    Method of mixing carrots with celery:

    1. Clean and cut lettuce into strips; And then cut into wires; The carrot is peeled and sliced after cleaning.

    2. After boiling in the pot, put lettuce segments and shredded carrots into the pot, blanch them, and then take them out. Put two kinds of shredded materials into a bowl, add salt, sesame oil, mushroom essence (or monosodium glutamate, mushroom essence), and stir them to put on the plate.

    Pay attention when taking lettuce. It is better not to eat it with luffa, chicken breast meat, etc.

    Lettuce and loofah

    Luffa contains vitamin C dissolving enzyme, which will dissolve and destroy vitamin C if eaten with lettuce.

    Lettuce, clams, clams, crabs

    Clams, clams, clams and crabs contain vitamin b21 dissolving enzyme, which will destroy all vitamin b21 in them if eaten with lettuce. Eating with crab will greatly affect the digestion and absorption of protein.

    Lettuce and wild turtle

    If lettuce is taken with wild turtle, it will cause poisoning.


    2024-05-26 14:00:00

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