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What are the methods of Portuguese egg tarts

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What are the methods of Portuguese egg tarts


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  • 2024-05-26 04:00:00

    If the Portuguese tarts want to be delicious, the key is to make the Portuguese tarts liquid. How to make Portuguese Tart Liquid? What is the method of Portuguese Tart Liquid? Next, we will introduce three methods of Portuguese Tart Liquid in detail, just for your reference. If you want to master the method of Portuguese Tart Liquid, you can look down! See the actual detailed introduction below.

    Method I of Portuguese Tart Liquid

    Raw materials: 250g milk, 250g fresh cream, 80g egg yolk, 50g egg yolk, 70g sugar.


    1. Mix 70g sugar with milk, then melt the sugar with gentle heat.

    2. Separate egg yolk from egg white.

    3. Beat and stir the egg yolks. Add milk and fresh cream twice. Stir again evenly.

    4. Filter with dice. (Remove residues and bubbles from raw eggs)

    5. Pour it into the prepared tarts (7 points full). Fresh fruit pulp such as mango can be added (such as 2 on the left).

    6. 200-230 degrees, left and right fire, medium and high rise, baking for 20 minutes.

    Method 2 of Portuguese Tart Liquid

    Raw materials: 90g fresh cream, 70g cow milk, 2 egg yolks, 40g white granulated sugar, 7.5g low gluten powder, and appropriate condensed milk.


    1. First, put the tower skin in the tower mold and knead it.

    2. Separate the egg white and yolk in advance, and prepare 2 yolks in advance.

    3. Pour milk and fresh cream into the milk pan, heat it in the furnace, and then pour in white granulated sugar.

    4. Heat the compound in the milk pan, and then use the electric egg beater to stir it evenly so that the white granulated sugar dissolves.

    5. The low gluten powder sifted into the sifting powder can also be added with condensed milk according to the taste of the person. Stir it evenly with a stirring device before firing.

    6. Add egg yolk for many times and stir evenly. Put the mixed egg yolk paste sifting powder into the beaker. Use the measuring cup to fill the egg tart liquid, which can be easily loaded into the egg yolk crisp mold.

    7. Before filling the egg tart liquid, you can put some small red beans or peaches. It is unnecessary to fill the egg yolk crisp mold too full to prevent leakage during the whole baking process. It can be filled to 70% or 80% full.

    8. The left and right parts of the electric oven can be heated for 5-10 minutes and baked for 20 minutes.

    Method 3 of Portuguese Tart Liquid

    Raw materials: 9 egg tarts, 3 egg yolks, 100g fresh cream, 90g milk, 30g sugar, 15g cheese powder, 10g condensed milk.


    1. Milk can be replaced by baby milk powder, which is 1:9 for baby milk powder and water.

    2. Put the fresh cream, milk, condensed milk, and sugar into the pot, heat it gently, and gradually mix well until the white granulated sugar dissolves.

    3. After cooling slightly, beat in 3 egg yolks and mix evenly, then add the cheese powder with sifting powder and mix again.

    4. After sieving the tarts, pour them into the egg tarts skin. The amount is exactly nine, and each one is eight points full. After sieving the powder, it is more detailed. If the regulations are not high, it can be sieved.

    5. The electric oven is heated at 190 ℃ for one layer above and below. After heating, it is put into the middle and high layers to bake for 25 minutes, and then it can be announced.


    2024-05-26 04:00:00

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