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A light recipe suitable for patients

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A light recipe suitable for patients


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  • 2024-05-26 14:00:00

    Every time I go to see a doctor, I finally say that I don't need to eat greasy and spicy food, but I want to eat mild food. However, many patients may taste delicious because of illness, but they prefer to eat some heavy flavored ingredients. In fact, doctors are not allowed to eat greasy and spicy food because many drugs will reflect adversely on spicy food and high calorie food. Next, we will introduce some detailed recipes suitable for patients in detail, so you can learn them.

    Generally, people who are sick should not eat food with heavy taste, but light food with less salt, oil and sugar. Light food is beneficial to the relief of illness. So, what is the light diet for patients? Next, the webeditor will explain the contents of these aspects for you in detail and look forward to helping you. Please listen to the detailed introduction of the network editor.

    1. Nourishing qi, blood and brain: millet and red jujube porridge

    Functions: Jujube and millet are of high nutritional value. The porridge can enrich blood and qi, clear heat, detoxify and remove dampness, strengthen the spleen, stomach and spleen, calm nerves, and help sleep. It is very suitable for children with weak physique, poor sleep quality, and anemia.

    Raw materials: millet, jujube, old brown sugar.

    Method: Millet soaked for 30 minutes after cleaning; Jujube cleaning, peeling and slicing; Put the millet and jujube into the pot, pour in proper cold water, bring to a boil over a high heat, turn to a gentle fire, and gradually cook for 1 hour; When the porridge is boiled to a thick consistency, stir it with a spoon to prevent the bottom from being burnt; Add a small amount of old brown sugar to the porridge 10 minutes before cooking.

    2. Nourishing liver and improving eyesight: porridge with spinach and pig liver

    Function: It can supplement calcium, nourish the liver and brighten the eyes. Children can take it to prevent anemia and night blindness. It can also promote the basic metabolism of the body, which is beneficial to growth and development. However, the content of bovine liver cholesterol is high. You can take it once a week at most. You can't eat more.

    Raw materials: beef liver, broccoli, rice, salt.

    Method: Clean the rice and soak it in water for 30 minutes; Cut the beef liver into slices and soak it in cold water to remove blood; Broccoli is washed, chopped and reserved; Put the soaked rice into the pot and boil it into porridge; Add beef liver and broccoli, stir and cook until the beef liver is thoroughly cooked, add a little salt seasoning, and then turn off the fire.

    3. Spleen strengthening and diarrhea treatment: Huai yam spareribs porridge

    Function: It can nourish the spleen and kidney, promote digestion, astringe sweat and treat diarrhea. It is especially suitable for children with physical deficiency and cold, dyspepsia, and diarrhea. It is also a very reasonable diet for autumn diarrhea.

    Raw materials: Tiebang yam, raw pork, rice, salt.

    Method: Wash the rice and soak it in water for 30 minutes; Clean and mince raw pork or stir fry it; Peel, clean and cut a small piece of yam for reservation; Put the soaked rice into the pot and add cold water to boil it into porridge, then put in Huaishan medicine pieces and pig meat powder, stir and cook until Huaishan medicine and raw pork are thoroughly cooked; Finally, a small amount of salt seasoning can be added to turn off the ignition.

    4. Cold cold: spring onion root rice porridge

    Function: invigorate deficiency and dispel cold, harmonize stomach and soften liver, suitable for children with cold caused by wind.

    Raw materials: onion root, ginger slice, rice, white granulated sugar.

    Method: pinch off the skin of the onion root, clean it, and cut it into strips; Clean, peel and slice ginger slices; Clean the rice and soak it in cold water for 30 minutes; Pour the rice into the pot, add proper cold water, boil it over high heat, and add onion root segments and ginger slices; And then turn it into porridge by simmering; Add a small amount of white granulated sugar seasoning before turning off the fire.

    5. Nourishing yin and moistening dryness: raw egg and vegetable porridge

    Function: It can moisten the lungs, nourish qi and blood, nourish yin and dryness, strengthen the spleen and stomach, and promote digestion. It is a very nutritious fast breakfast porridge, especially suitable for malnourished children.

    Raw materials: rice, raw eggs, vegetables, salt.

    Method: Clean the rice and put it into the pot to cook it into porridge; Mix and scatter the raw eggs in a bowl, slowly pour them into the porridge, and mix them while boiling; Add chopped vegetables and boil them for 3-5 minutes, then use proper salt seasoning before cooking.

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