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What should I eat if I need stones

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What should I eat if I need stones


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  • 2024-05-24 06:00:00

    Kidney stones are a common disease. Kidney stones can cause pain in the kidney, which will cause some pain to the patient, and will cause changes in the patient's daily life and affect the patient's physical and mental health. After kidney stones appear, you should pay attention to some food combinations. Some food materials cannot be eaten, and some food materials should be eaten more appropriately to help improve the condition, What kind of food should I eat to get stones? Let's have a look next.

    1、 What food should I eat if I have stones?

    For patients with kidney stones, if in the usual diet, we generally suggest patients to make more diet with mild taste, eat more fruits and vegetables, or some food materials with very rich water content, and then pay attention to daily drinking water, at least 2000ml, preferably 3000ml. In that case, When the water intake flow of the patient increases, the urination will also increase, and then there will be some benefits for the discharge of stones. Then there will be some groups with some unique work that may need some attention. For example, if some patients work in some high-temperature natural environment, they are advised to leave the natural environment as far as possible, For example, steel workers, or chefs, or workers who often work in high temperature natural environment, if they have stones, it is recommended that they should not stay for a long time in such high temperature natural environment, and then pay attention to the supplement of water flow, In that case, the removal of stones can be more beneficial.

    2、 General medical treatment

    (1) A lot of small stones in drinking water may be discharged due to the news push and cleaning in the urine. The increase in urine is also conducive to the control of infection.

    (2) M-type cholinergic receptor blocker for spasmolysis and pain relief can relax the smooth muscle of urethral canal and relieve muscle contracture. Candesartan, a sodium ion blocker, has a certain effect on alleviating renal colic; α blocker has certain practical effect in relieving spasm of smooth muscle of urethral tube and treating renal colic.

    (3) When controlling urinary tract obstruction caused by infectious stones, infection is very easy to occur, and magnesium ammonium phosphate stones are often produced in infected urine. This kind of polarization aggravates the condition. In addition to actively removing stones to eliminate infarction, antibiotics should be used to control or prevent urinary tract infection.

    3、 Medication treatment

    1. M-type cholinergic receptor blocker can relax the smooth muscle of urethral tube and relieve muscle contracture. Candesartan, a sodium ion blocker, has a certain effect on alleviating renal colic; α blocker has certain practical effect in relieving spasm of smooth muscle of urethral tube and treating renal colic.

    2. Antibiotics should be used to control or prevent urinary tract infection.

    3. Methylbenzylamine or tranexamic acid can be used for obvious gross hematuria.


    2024-05-24 06:00:00

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