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What kind of dish to fry? Pancakes are delicious

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What kind of dish to fry? Pancakes are delicious


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  • 2024-05-26 01:00:00

    Pancake fruit is a special snack made of wheat flour or flour milled from coarse cereals. It is very popular in northern China and is warmly welcomed by ordinary people. Pancake fruit can be taken with a variety of vegetables and fruits, and different dishes have different tastes. So, what nutrients does pancake fruit have? What are its common practices? What aspects should I pay attention to when making pancakes? Can pancake fruit be taken often? Now let's learn about the expertise of pancake and fruit layer.

    Pancakes and fruit rolls What's delicious

    Pancake and fruit is a special snack in northern China, which may be rare for northerners, but it is indeed a very wide range of ingredients in northern China. There is a kind of eating method in the northern region, which is to roll the prepared pancakes and fruits with various vegetables. Such eating method not only improves the nutrition of pancakes and fruits, but also improves the delicious taste of pancakes and fruits. So, what can pancakes and fruits be taken together?

    1. Scallion: Scallion pancake roll is a more common way to eat pancake fruit, especially in Shandong Province, which is warmly welcomed by the people. Wash the shallots, and roll the pancakes and fruits that have just been baked. In the whole process of eating, it will be covered with sauce. It tastes spicy and spicy with sweet and hot sauce, which is a very good way to eat.

    2. Fried potato shreds: Some people also add fried potato shreds to pancakes and fruits. Because the fried potato ribbon has high cassava starch and is very easy to mature, it is also one of the reasons why many people choose it. When making pancakes and fruits, the fried potato shreds in rolls need to be rolled together. They can't be taken immediately like rolled shallots. They need to be heated before taking.

    In addition, pancake fruit can also be rolled with shredded carrots, mung bean sprouts, dried kelp, scallions, and vanilla, which can be matched differently according to your taste. Different vegetables and fruits have different nutritional components. We can match one or two or more kinds of vegetables and fruits according to our own conditions.

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