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Taboos of apple, tremella and jujube soup

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Taboos of apple, tremella and jujube soup


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  • 2024-05-26 14:00:00

    White fungus is a common food in our daily life. It is a good choice for cooking porridge or soup. There are many things to match with white fungus, and apple white fungus and red jujube soup is a very good composition, which is very beneficial to the body. However, Apple Tremella and Red Date Soup is not suitable for anyone. You must understand the taboo of Apple Tremella and Red Date Soup. Let's have a look below.

    1. It can cause urination or is not suitable for women during menstruation.

    Auricularia auricula has the effect of anti platelet aggregation. People who can urinate will cause increased bleeding after taking it, which is not conducive to wound repair. If a woman takes agaric during her menstruation, it may cause excessive menstruation.

    The big jujube is sweet, and it is very easy to cause moisture deposition in the body when eating too much. If there is edema in the physiological period, eating red jujube will cause more serious edema.

    2. The group with abdominal distension is not suitable for taking.

    In addition, the group with abdominal distension is not suitable for taking jujube soup, because jujube soup is very easy to cause abdominal distension, which is more serious.

    3. It is not suitable for people with diabetes.

    There is more sugar in tremella and jujube soup, which will cause the blood sugar to rise after taking by the diabetic group, which is unfavorable to the control of the disease.

    4. It is not suitable for people with cold weather.

    The agaric is cold in nature, and people with cold symptoms will get worse if they take it.

    5. Children, pregnant women and the elderly should take it carefully.

    This kind of group has weak gastrointestinal digestion and absorption capacity. It is necessary to cook tremella and red dates until they are crisp and rotten before taking them, and it is not allowed to eat too much at one time.

    What are the benefits of tremella and jujube soup

    White fungus, also known as Tremella fuciformis, is a very precious fungus plant, which can be used as food and medicine, and has high economic value.

    In traditional Chinese medicine, white fungus can strengthen the essence, tonify the kidney and strengthen yang, nourish the face and beauty, stop coughing and moisten the lungs, and prolong life. Modern scientific research has found that the dietary fiber in white fungus can also reduce the digestion and absorption of human body fat, and has the effect of reducing weight.

    In addition, agaric can also be used to treat wind heat cough, hemoptysis, irregular menstruation, and obstructed stool. Vitamin D in it can also promote the digestion and absorption of high-quality protein.

    Jujube is a kind of qi tonifying medicine, which can moisten the heart and lung function, nourish the five zang organs, and supplement deficiency. For people with weak gastrointestinal function, they can eat some jujube moderately to improve, and also improve their energy. In addition, jujube can also be used to treat tension, anxiety, poor sleep and other symptoms.

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