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Efficacy, function and eating method of Rosa laevigata

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Efficacy, function and eating method of Rosa laevigata


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  • 2024-05-26 14:00:00

    Talking about the function, efficacy and eating method of mulberry is unrealistic for many people, because what are many people aiming at mulberry? It is all unclear, so let alone other aspects. To know the function, efficacy and eating method of mulberry, the first thing we need to do is to completely master the mulberry. In fact, everyone who knows mulberry is a kind of medicinal plant.

    When it comes to medicinal plants, there are many in our real life. For example, the lavender we usually see also has mimosa, which has certain effects and functions. Compared with this common medicinal plant, mulberry fruit has high efficacy and effect. Here is a detailed explanation of the role and efficacy of mulberry and how to eat it.

    Mulberry (alias: Rosa laevigata Michx.) is also known as Mountain and River Pomegranate and Mountain Chicken Head. The branches are thick, with scattered flat curved prickles. They have no hair. They are covered with glandular hair when they are young, but they slowly fall down when they are old. It is produced in Shaanxi Province, Anhui Province, Jiangxi Province, Jiangsu Province, Zhejiang Province, Hubei Province, Hunan Province, etc. The root bark contains tannin to make tannin extract, and the fruit can boil sugar and make wine. The root, leaf and fruit are all used as medicine. The root has the functions of promoting blood circulation, removing blood stasis and stasis, dispelling wind, dehumidifying, detoxifying and astringent, and removing insects; External application of leaves to treat sores, boils, burns and scalds; It can stop diarrhea and inhibit cold virus.

    Mulberry can lock essence and astringent intestines, shrink urine and treat diarrhea. Treatment of spermatorrhea, bed wetting, frequent urination, diarrhea due to spleen deficiency, asthma and cough due to lung deficiency, night sweats, metrorrhagia and diarrhea.

    Expanded "Bielu": stop leakage.

    Mango Shu Materia Medica: It can cure spleen and diarrhea, stop small and convenient, astringent and essential.

    Apple's "Southern Yunnan Materia Medica": after a long time of treatment, dysentery, blood avalanche, clear and thin, astringent essence leaked.

    Oxalic acid "Materia Medica Zheng": stop vomiting, bleeding, generate body fluids, reduce cold sweat, astringe deficiency and heat, benefit essence, strengthen bones and tendons, supplement the five zang, nourish qi and blood, calm cough, clear throat, treat palpitations, stop spleen bleeding dysentery and small water incontinence.

    Drop "Annals of Medicines of Nanning City": use ointment to cure fire injuries.

    1. Impact on urogenital system

    The water extract of mulberry fruit (6g/kg by gavage) can reduce the frequency of urination, increase the interval of urination, and increase each urination in the rat model of frequent and urgent urination produced by the hypogastric nerve.

    2. Effect on smooth muscle

    The water extract of mulberry fruit can inhibit the independent retraction of rabbit's jejunum smooth muscle in paraffin section, antagonize the contracture of rabbit's jejunum smooth muscle caused by acetylcholine and barium chloride, the bladder smooth muscle in rat's paraffin section, and antagonize the retraction of thoracic aorta strips in rabbit's paraffin section caused by norepinephrine, The inhibitory effects on the three kinds of smooth muscle are significantly dose related.

    3. Efficacy on experimental aortic atherosclerosis

    The rabbits were fed with cholesterol and added with appropriate hydroxythiouracil to cause experimental aortic atherosclerosis. After being treated with mulberry for 2 weeks and 3 weeks, the blood cell cholesterol was reduced by 12.5% and 18.67% respectively, and the protein was also significantly reduced 3 weeks after administration. The human fatty calmness of liver and heart was milder than that of the control experiment. The level of atherosclerosis is also very mild, while the control experiment is very serious.

    4. Antifungal efficacy

    Mulberry fruit contains tannin. Antibacterial test was carried out with the flat dish method. 25% root decoction has a high antibacterial effect on Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli, and it is also reasonable for Pseudomonas aeruginosa. The chicken embryo experiment confirmed that the mulberry seed decoction had a strong inhibitory effect on cold virus PR/8 strain, and also had efficacy on A-57-4 strain, hepatitis B Lee strain, C 1233 strain and D Sendai strain in Asia.

    The way to eat mulberry is generally to cook mulberry gruel:

    Mulberry porridge: 30g of mulberry, washed, boiled with tap water for 20 minutes, remove residue and leave juice. 100g of stem rice, clean, and make porridge with mulberry juice. If the juice is small, water it properly. Put some white granulated sugar when taking it. This porridge has the functions of locking essence and astringent intestines, strengthening the body and marrow, nourishing the spirit, blood and qi, but it is not suitable for patients with fever, cold or fever.

    Therefore, with the above knowledge, we all have a better understanding of medical plants such as mulberry. It is worth mentioning that we also know how to eat mulberry, which is very effective for us. As we all know, people will have many diseases in their whole life. When they get sick, they usually see a doctor for help. Now, if there are related diseases, they can take mulberry by themselves.


    2024-05-26 14:00:00

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