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Practice of Spontaneous Powder Steaming Cake

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Practice of Spontaneous Powder Steaming Cake


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  • 2024-05-26 10:01:55

    Many people have eaten birthday cakes, and the variety of birthday cakes is becoming more and more abundant. People can choose different kinds of birthday cakes according to their own preferences, but many people can not understand how to make this kind of birthday cake. It is completely not easy, but actually it is not so difficult to do it, As far as possible, better wheat flour and self baking flour should be used. In that case, the actual effect of some birthday cakes will become stronger and stronger.

    Manufacturing raw materials

    5 raw eggs, half a box of milk, proper white sugar, 100g wheat flour.

    Manufacturing process

    1. Separate the yolk and egg white of the egg, and put them respectively into two basins without oil stains and water

    2. Add 5 tablespoons of sugar in egg yolk

    3. Stir the sugar evenly 5. Add half a box of pure milk to the egg yolk

    4. Stir the milk evenly

    5. 100g wheat flour sifted and added to egg yolk

    6. Stir evenly to form a paste without particles, and place aside to reserve 9. Beat the egg white, add a small spoon of sugar after beating twice, and then a small amount of salt to grind again

    7. After spending some time, add small spoons of granulated sugar and a small amount of lemonade or white rice vinegar (to remove the smell of raw eggs)

    8. Beat the egg white again, and then add a small spoon of granulated sugar (I added three times, each time a small spoon, that is, a total of one and a half teaspoons of granulated sugar in the egg white)

    9. Once again, the fresh cream of this kind of hair (I'm too tired to do that, but it took me an hour to do that alone~if I'm strong enough, it's better to spend a little more time until the basin comes off)

    10. Put half of the ground egg white into the egg yolk paste

    11. Mix egg white and egg yolk paste (turn them evenly from left to right, do not turn around, otherwise the bubbles in the egg white will burst, and the birthday cake will not rise)

    12. Pour the remaining half of the egg white again and mix it in the same way

    13. Apply a layer of oil to the inner cavity of the electric rice cooker (only if the inner cavity is covered with a layer of oil and there is a small amount of oil on the bottom, too little oil is easy to scorch), put it into the pot and press the cook button to heat it.

    14. After the cooking button jumps to the heat insulation, take the inner liner out of the pot (take a cotton towel to separate it, which is very hot) and pour it into the previous birthday cake paste, then squeeze the pot liner and shake it on the ground twice to let the bubbles in the birthday cake shake out.

    15. Put the lid on the electric cooker, press the cook button, and it will jump in less than three minutes. After jumping, hold a wet cotton towel over the exhaust port, and wait for 20 minutes.

    16. Press the cook button again after 20 minutes, and then jump again within three minutes. Put a wet cotton towel over the exhaust port and wait for 20 minutes to boil. The whole process of steaming is to press the cook button twice and then stew for 20 minutes respectively

    17. Take out the liner of the rice cooker and demould the birthday cake in the basin

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