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How to pickle the radish

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How to pickle the radish


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  • 2024-05-26 14:00:00

    Pickled dishes have long become traditional Chinese dishes. Although they are not as good as the meat dishes on these tables, they have a very good taste, especially the very next dishes. As usual, when we have breakfast, we will match with a variety of pickled dishes, which can not only serve meals but also improve our appetite. In our hometown, we often see pickled turnips. The pickled turnips are crispy, slightly sweet, and very delicious. So how are these kinds of turnips pickled?

    Put the boiled salt water in the refrigerator, wash the radish and put it in a cool place to control the dry water. If the radish is large, it should be cut into 1/2 or 1/4 (it can also be cut into flakes or dices for a long time); Clean and drain the pickle jar, put in appropriate dried chilli, pepper, ginger, garlic, and a small amount of maltose syrup (or a small section of peeled sweet sauce), add salt water, place it on the top of the sealed cover of the preservation bag for 24 hours, and finally put in the prepared turnip, seal the mouth and place it for 3-5 days. After eating, you can add prepared food for several times (carrots, towel gourds, cabbage, jujue, etc.). Pay attention not to stick oil.

    How to do it: clean and cut the turnip into strips, pour in water, add small pepper, star anise, white granulated sugar, salt, monosodium glutamate, and soy sauce and pickle them for 24 hours.

    Nutritional composition: the nutritional composition of radish white radish leaves is even more shocking: its vitamin A content is more than three times that of broccoli; The content of calcium is four times that of broccoli; Vitamin C is more than ten times that of green lemon.

    Souring should be done in that way

    Soak it in a pickle jar, add salt and old rock sugar in cold boiled water, add green lemon to improve the taste, and then add some spices that are professional in making pickles. That's almost enough. Finally, set fire to explode pepper, turnip and ginger. Soak for a while. If it's sour, you can add some old rock candy to your talent.

    Main materials



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    technological process

    1. Prepare food

    2. Cut off both sides and damaged areas after cleaning

    3. Discard the unnecessary

    4. Cut the radish in half and then cut it into a small piece

    5. Pickling method: first pave a layer of radish

    6. Sprinkle a layer of white granulated sugar

    7. Sprinkle a thin layer of salt

    8. Add another layer of turnip

    9. Gradually sprinkle salt, white granulated sugar and a layer of radish

    10. Always code like that, and finally code all the dishes

    11. With the two-way effect of salt and sugar, the radish will quickly come out of the water

    12. Mix it, put in proper pepper and two anise for one night, add proper sesame oil and homemade chili oil, and it can be served with rice

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