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How to eat raw soybean flour

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How to eat raw soybean flour


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  • 2024-05-26 14:00:00

    For soybeans, I think we should have known each other since then, right? Soybean is a kind of plant with rich and colorful protein and other nutritional elements. There are many ways to eat soybeans, which can be eaten immediately. It can also be made into other foods that use soybeans as the main material to carry out certain production, processing and grinding, such as bean paste and water tofu, which are commonly referred to as bean food. This kind of food is loved by many people, With high nutritional content.

    There are many kinds of beans, for example, they can be divided into red beans, mung beans, black beans and their soybeans according to the color. Speaking of soybeans, let's introduce them below. Soybean is a kind of bean food with high protein content, which is generally used to make various bean foods. Soybean can also be used to produce soybean flour. Let me also tell you how to eat raw soybean flour.

    Cannot rush immediately! Raw soybeans have proteinase inhibiting endotoxin, which can be removed only after boiling. If you see white foam on the top, it indicates that it has not been boiled yet. It can be safe after five minutes when the white foam is gone, and there will be no beany smell. You can buy some more corn flour to boil together. Pay attention to flush with cold water and then keep mixing at the beginning or you will pull the bottom. It can also be added with some milk, which will turn into concentrated yoghurt. If you can make steamed bread and fresh noodles, you can put some into them, which will become more and more soft. In fact, it is very good to buy a small bread maker, which can put all kinds of coarse grains into it to make bread, which is very healthy. 200 pieces up and down.

    First, use warm boiled water to make the bean flour thick. Then boil the water in the pot. Then pour the thick bean flour into the pot and mix it continuously. It is not easy to paste the bottom until it is boiled. If it is soybean milk, filter the bean dregs with a cloth. Seasoning or sugar is prepared by oneself.

    After reading the above article, I firmly believe that we have a certain understanding of the eating methods of raw soybean flour. Raw soybean flour contains rich and colorful nutrients. I think some people believe that they will have a certain understanding. Then we must pay attention to more protein intake in our daily life in the future. There are many ways to eat raw soybean flour. Soybean flour is a kind of food suitable for young and old people. It will help our physical and mental health.

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