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Efficacy and contraindication of dried tangerine peel

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Efficacy and contraindication of dried tangerine peel


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  • 2024-05-26 10:01:55

    "One or two poria cocos, one or two gold", "hundred year old tangerine peel is better than gold" poria cocos have always been very expensive in everyone's mind, so what are the functions and effects of poria cocos that should be used most? Is Poria suitable for everyone? Now let's confirm the basis of this problem together with the web editor!

    Poria cocos

    Five functions and effects of Poria cocos

    1. The effect on the digestive tract. The volatile oil contained in Poria cocos has a mild stimulating effect on the digestive tract, can promote the metabolism of digestive enzymes, clear the area of qi in the intestinal tract, and show the effect of fragrance, stomach strengthening, digestion, wind dispelling and yang warming.

    2. For the effect of endocrine system, Poria cocos decoction, alcohol extract, etc. can excite the heart, but it will be inhibited when used too much. In addition, it can also make blood vessels slightly retract and rapidly raise blood pressure. Gum arabic in Poria cocos can also prevent arteriosclerosis caused by high-fat diet.

    3. For the effect of respiratory tract, the volatile oil contained in Poria cocos has the effect of stimulating general attack and resolving phlegm, making sputum easy to cough up. Poria cocos decoction has a weak expanding effect on bronchitis. The anti asthma potency of its ethanol extract is high.

    4. For the effect of the urinary system, Poria cocos decoction can make the kidney blood vessels shrink, and reduce urination.

    5. Anti infection effect. Poria cocos decoction, together with vitamin C and vitamin B12, can improve the anti-inflammatory effect.

    Five functions and effects of Poria cocos

    Contraindications of tangerine peel

    1. Take it with caution when vomiting.

    2. It is not suitable for patients with dry cough due to qi deficiency and yang deficiency.

    3. The weak and hematemetic cannot take it.

    4. Do not use without stagnation.

    5. It is forbidden to use it during acne injection.

    6. For those with qi deficiency, and those with qi failing to return to normal, it should not be used together with gas consumption drugs. For those with stomach deficiency and vomiting due to fire, it is not suitable to be used together with damp heat, fragrant and dry drugs; Yin deficiency cough produces phlegm, which is not suitable for the same use as Pinellia ternata and Nanxing.


    2024-05-26 10:01:55

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