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How to eat sausages

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How to eat sausages


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  • 2024-05-26 14:00:00

    In many provinces and regions of China, sausage is a relatively famous snack. Especially when it comes to the Spring Festival, every family must pour sausage, and the total amount of sausage is large, even for several months. The practice of sausages is different in the north and south, some are salty, some are sweet, and everyone's taste is different. Therefore, the taste of sausages can be mastered according to the detailed introduction of home cooking on the website.

    Sausage Fried Celery Food Recipe Calorific Value: 261 (Calories) Main Materials

    1 lettuce

    One sausage Method/process 1 Clean the lettuce to remove the old tendons on the back. If it's inconvenient, it can still be difficult to eliminate

    2. Trimming to inch section

    3. Sausages are ready. Add appropriate amount and trim them into thick slices

    4. Make boiling water in the pot, put it into the lettuce section, and pick it up when the color fades

    5. The cold water is too cold. Pick it up and control the dry water

    6. Heat the pan with cool oil, put ginger slices into the pan, and explode the pan to release the fragrance

    7. Stir fry the sausage for one minute, and the sausage will fade

    8. Pour in lettuce

    9. Because the sausage itself is salty and sweet, a small amount of salt is added and the double sugar biscuits are symmetrical

    10. Start the pot and set the plate

    Stir fried Sausage

    Main materials used: 2 sausages, seasonings, edible oil, edible salt, ginger, garlic, dried chilli, 1 teaspoon of beef chili sauce, water, sausages

    2. Sliced scallion and ginger

    3. Heat the pan with oil until 70% hot, then pour the onion and ginger into the pan for fragrant explosion

    4. Pour in chilli and stir fry until half cooked

    5. Pour in sausage, scoop out a spoonful of beef chili sauce, stir well, order a little cold water, sprinkle a little salt until it is sugary

    Food Features Every winter, I go to the supermarket to fill some sausage. Hang them in front of the window to dry, poke some small round holes in the intestinal skin, and the fragrance overflows. After drying, it can be used for cooking. I like Cantonese sausages very much. They are fragrant and sweet. They are fried with Chaotian Pepper, which is very good for food.

    Physical and mental health function White granulated sugar: promoting blood circulation and removing stasis

    Rice wine: promoting blood circulation and removing silt

    White pepper: It is used to enrich blood and qi, protect teeth, and maintain bones. It is used as food material for fat pork, lean pork, small intestine, pepper noodles, raw ginger powder, star anise powder, salt, white granulated sugar, rice wine, pepper noodles, white pepper powder, edible oil, chicken essence, and food. How to eat sausage·

    1. Clean the raw pork, dry it with water, and cut it into meat granules. Add pepper noodles, ginger powder, star anise powder, white granulated sugar, rice wine, pepper noodles, white pepper powder, cooking oil, proper salt, a small amount of chicken essence, and mix and pickle for 1-2 days.

    2. A pair of small pig intestines. Remove the animal oil outside, scrape the oil inside, soak and rub with white rice vinegar and edible alkali respectively, remove the fishy smell, clean the inside and outside, drain the water, and reserve. This step is very inconvenient and important.

    3. Necessary special tools for sausage filling: scissors, clean cotton rope and small mineral water bottle. The mineral water bottle is cut from one third. One end of the pig's small intestine is fastened with a rope, and the other end is covered in the mouth of the glass bottle. The salted meat particles are gradually poured into the bottle with chopsticks, and then filled with a section and separated with a rope. This step takes two hours. As I am busy with my husband, I have no photos at this stage.

    4. The smoked sausage shall be tied with a wooden stick with small round holes, which is beneficial to the exhaust pipe. It shall be hung in a cool, naturally ventilated and dry place and dried for 8-10 days.

    5. Steam it for 30 minutes, cool it, and eat it anytime and anywhere.

    6. Cut the cooked sausage into pieces, make some decorations with carrot and celery leaves, and then cool it with a plate. It can be taken immediately, or it can be taken according to the taste of the population.

    7. If you can't eat for a while, store it in the freezer.

    Tip 1. The weight of meat is 3:7. You can also adjust the weight of meat and its seasoning according to your hobbies.

    2. First, pinch off the animal oil outside the pig's small intestine, soak it with edible alkali and white rice vinegar respectively, rub it to remove the fishy smell. Then clean the inside. When turning over the colon, first cross a little from one end and flush it with drinking water. The intestinal tract can turn over downstream. Clean with edible alkali and white rice vinegar again to remove the oil on the inner wall. Some people like to scrape off the body fat inside (part of the dark red inner wall). In fact, it doesn't need to be so inconvenient, but it can be easily solved.

    3. When cleaning the enema, the posture should be slow to avoid damage to pig casings.

    4. Smoked sausages must have small round holes made with wooden sticks, which is beneficial to the exhaust pipe. Then hang it in a cool, naturally ventilated and dry place.

    5. The best time to make sausage is in winter, with strong wind and dry climate.

    6. Sausage and bacon basically have a basic principle. In addition to cold dishes, they can also be fried with vegetables and fruits.


    2024-05-26 14:00:00

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