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Do you want boiled water for Herba Houttuyniae salad

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Do you want boiled water for Herba Houttuyniae salad


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  • 2024-05-26 10:01:55

    Houttuynia cordata root is a kind of plant produced in summer. It is a very good choice to eat a salad of Houttuynia cordata in the hot summer. It can strengthen the spleen, appetizers and eliminate fire. It is a very good health care green plant. Do you want boiling water for the cold mixed houttuynia cordata? How to mix the root of Houttuynia cordata with cold dishes?

    Do you want boiling water for cold mixed houttuynia cordata

    Make decisions based on your own taste. The roots of Houttuynia cordata do not need to be boiled in hot water, but can be used to mix cold dishes immediately. Clean the fresh roots of Houttuynia cordata cordata cordata completely, and then add seasonings to mix cold dishes. However, if you hate the fishy smell of Houttuynia cordata root, you can use boiling water to blanch it, which will make the fishy smell a little lighter, but that will make the Houttuynia cordata root lose its original crisp taste, and will become more and more complex, less crisp.

    How to mix the root of Houttuynia cordata with cold dishes

    1. Clean up the fresh Houttuynia cordata root, leave a crisp part of the underground stem, put the cleaned Houttuynia cordata root into salt water and soak it for 8-10 minutes up and down, pick it up and cut it into sections for reservation.

    2. Add edible salt, white granulated sugar, rice vinegar, salad oil, Zhuhou sauce, soy sauce, chilli, onion and ginger and other condiments in the bowl, burn the oil in the pot until it smokes, then pour the oil into the bowl and mix it.

    3. Add the prepared sauce to the root of Houttuynia cordata Thunb, mix it well, and then take it. You can also take it after the pickle tastes good.

    What are the benefits of eating Herba Houttuyniae salad

    1. Enhance immunity: Houttuynia cordata root contains Houttuynia cordata root element, which can improve the white blood cell count of human and the ability to swallow pathogenic bacteria, and can enhance immunity to a certain extent.

    2. Beneficial urination effect: The root of Houttuynia cordata contains some Houttuynia cordata root elements and other substances that can expand capillary tubes and accelerate blood flow, so it can have a certain beneficial urination effect.

    3. Efficacy of antiviral treatment: Houttuynia cordata root extract can also inhibit a variety of bacteria, such as Staphylococcus aureus and Diplococcus pneumoniae, so it can have a certain effect of antiviral treatment.

    Can Houttuynia Root Lose Weight

    It has certain practical effect, but it is not recommended. Houttuynia cordata root has a certain practical effect on weight loss, but its effect on weight loss is to promote dampness and detumescence, and can not help you consume fat to achieve the actual effect of weight loss. In addition to using Houttuynia cordata to lose weight, it is necessary to reduce fat according to fitness exercises and diet control methods to lose weight. Houttuynia cordata root has only one auxiliary effect. Generally speaking, it is not recommended to lose weight according to Houttuynia cordata Thunb. The root of Houttuynia cordata Thunb is cold, so it is better not to eat it for a long time, which will cause certain pressure on people's physical and mental health.

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