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How to remedy the excess rice water

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How to remedy the excess rice water


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  • 2024-05-26 14:00:00

    With the gradual popularization of electric rice cookers, everyone's cooking time has been reasonably reduced, but in the case of using electric rice cookers to cook, it is also necessary to grasp the appropriate way. Otherwise, the taste of white rice will be affected. When some people use electric rice cookers to cook, they find that more water is added, which will make the white rice very wet. The following explains the way to save the rice and water.

    There are several types of solutions.

    Mode 1:

    1. After cooking, open the rice cooker, mix white rice for several times, and then cover it.

    2. Press and hold the cook button again to heat, and reduce the water content of white rice according to the heating again.

    Mode 2:

    1. Be able to transfer white rice to the frying pan.

    2. Cook on the fire for a while, and wait until the water is consumed to make a pot.

    Mode 3:

    1. Put the boiled white rice in a large and wide microwave oven.

    2. Press the unfreeze key to unfreeze for 2-3 minutes. Or turn it on low medium heat for 2-3 minutes to reduce the water content of white rice.

    The following is the way to steam rice in rice cooker:

    Clean the rice cooker without encountering water to prevent safety accidents. Gently remove the rice cooker from the cooker, and do not use hard blocks when cleaning, to prevent deformation of the bottom pan. Uneven in case of heat, etc.

    2. After cleaning the pot, remember to clean the water. Pour in fresh rice. The weight depends on the main members of the family. It is appropriate. Generally, one kilogram of rice is enough for five people to eat. It's just natural to add more talents.

    3. Pour the rice into proper cold water. Generally, it can be washed by hand two or three times. Pay attention to the kind of whitening that does not need to be washed. Don't try too hard when washing by hand to prevent the rice from being bad if it is broken.

    4. After cleaning, the water in the bottom pan must be wiped clean. If there is ice, there will be a clattering sound when the food is heated. If the situation is serious, the short circuit fault will continue to occur, and the bad effect of the electric cooker burning out must be checked.

    5. Guide the rice into the pot, and add cold water. When the cold water is not over the rice, it is just as much as a little finger of the ring finger.

    6. After adding mountain spring water, carefully check whether the power plug is safe. If there is water on it, be sure to clean it with a dry towel before connecting to the power supply. Check whether one end of the rice cooker is properly inserted in time and whether there is a wrong insertion. The power consumption shall be safe.

    7. After plugging in the switch power supply, you usually wait 15 minutes to get up and down before the meal is ready, but please wait for more than 10 minutes. At this time, the rice cooker is still warming. Now, the rice is still warming when the lid is opened. If you eat like that, the bottom of the rice will burn, so you can pull out the power plug and wait for more than 10 minutes.


    2024-05-26 14:00:00

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