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Effect of baking soda on steamed bread

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Effect of baking soda on steamed bread


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  • 2024-05-26 14:00:00

    Anyone who has some knowledge of chemistry should know that soda and other substances are mainly sodium bicarbonate. Soda can be used, so its main use in people's daily life is very common. The common way to use soda is that people use it to brush their teeth to whiten their teeth. However, soda also has a common main use, that is, many people will add soda to steamed bread when fermenting flour. How can soda be used to steam steamed bread?

    Soda sodium bicarbonate will cause carbon dioxide when heated, so the steamed bun will be soft, malleable and fragrant

    Do you use soda or soda to make steamed bread

    It can be used for making steamed bread and soda. In the case of making steamed bread, you can add edible alkali or soda. If it is made with baking powder, it can not contain anything. However, if it is made with hair noodles (a small lump of noodles left when waking up before, with fermented fungi inside), make sure to use edible soda or soda, otherwise the steamed buns will be too sour. But nowadays, most steamed buns are made with baking powder, and very few of them can effectively eat soda. In fact, soda and edible soda belong to organic chemical food plus raw materials, and they are not specific. There is no alcohol effect at all. Soda can mention the effect of puffing agent, but discomfort is used to wake up. Edible alkali does not have the effect of puffing agent itself. Only when it is touched with acidic substances will it cause neutralization reaction, resulting in many carbon dioxide bubbles, so as to achieve the effect of puffing agent. They are only used when Zhonghe steamed bun has a strange smell.

    2 Difference between edible soda and soda

    Edible soda generally refers to edible soda ash, which refers to dilute hydrochloric acid. The rational number of organic chemistry is NaCO3, which can obviously promote meat softening. The defect is that it is harmful to the body when it has a pungent alkaline taste and heavy weight. Soda refers to sodium bicarbonate. The rational number of organic chemistry is NaHCO3, which can destroy the fibrous tissue of meat, digest and absorb water in meat food, and then make the meat soft and bulky, so as to achieve the goal of delicate, smooth and soft.

    3. Steaming steamed bread with soda

    Raw materials: 500g wheat flour, appropriate white granulated sugar, appropriate water, 25g white rice vinegar, 5g soda

    Methods: 1. 500 grams of wheat flour, 25 grams of white rice vinegar, 5 grams of baking soda powder. 2. Beat white rice vinegar, baking soda powder and white granulated sugar into the wheat flour, and add proper water to knead the flour. 3. Synthesize the batter with moderate hardness and softness, and cut the batter into small dosage forms with uniform size. 4. Rub it into a ball shape, drain the batter into a wok, and steam it for about 20 minutes.

    4. Practice of eating steamed bread with alkali

    Raw materials: 5g edible alkali, 200g wheat flour, proper water

    Method: 1. Make fermented flour first, mix 200g wheat flour and edible alkali, pour proper warm boiled water and mix it into a softer batter, and put it under normal temperature or freeze it for at least one day. When it is cold in winter, it is better to keep the wheat flour paste in a warm place, and it needs to be frozen in summer. 2. After fermenting, pour proper warm water into the fermented dough and keep still for a while, then throw away the sour water of the fermented dough. Pour in proper warm water, and it will be OK if it is not hot to the touch. If it is too hot, the yeast will be burned to death! Before putting the edible alkali, first pour in the wheat flour and mix it into a slightly soft batter! Don't be too hard. The steamed buns made are not soft. 3. It is enough to make it two and a half times the original size. If the noodles are made in the daytime, the consumption of edible alkali should be reduced appropriately. 4. The well proportioned honeycomb reticular structure of the air outlet can be covered with batter! Take a little batter, a little smaller than your thumb, and put it in the management center of the gas stove. Turn on the fire slowly. When it gets big, turn off the fire. Peel it out and have a look. If it is very delicate and white, it will be OK. If there are very large air vents, there is not enough edible alkali! If it turns a little yellow, do not make it first. Put it loosely for a while, let the edible alkali evaporate for a while, and then see if it is suitable. 5. The kneaded batter is made into a steamed bun embryo, which will relax for a while, and the batter will become more soft when it relaxes. Boil the water and steam it for 35 minutes.

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