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The effect of soaking lotus leaf, hawthorn and tangerine peel in water

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The effect of soaking lotus leaf, hawthorn and tangerine peel in water


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  • 2024-05-26 14:00:00

    Heze leaf, Poria cocos and its hawthorn fruit are all common Chinese herbal medicines. It is very beneficial for physical and mental health to use Heze leaf hawthorn fruit orange peel to soak in water. Many people like to use Heze leaf hawthorn fruit orange peel to soak in water. Heze leaf can promote the digestion and absorption of the body, help fat decomposition, and have a very good slimming effect. Hawthorn fruit can strengthen the spleen, stimulate the stomach, and improve the spleen and stomach. Poria cocos can improve the symptoms of indigestion, The effect of regulating qi and strengthening spleen and stomach is very good. The following details the role of heye hawthorn fruit and tangerine peel in soaking water.

    Hawthorn fruit, lotus leaf, orange peel tea has the functions of lowering blood pressure, lowering blood fat, soothing the heart, strengthening the spleen and stomach, and can prevent arteriosclerosis, hypertension, obesity, etc. However, it is not suitable for eating with empty stomach. Eating with empty stomach will easily increase the metabolism of gastric juice, stimulate the gastric mucosa, cause stomach swelling and regurgitation, and lead to gastrointestinal discomfort.

    What are the common problems of drinking orange peel and lotus leaf tea?

    First, it is recommended to drink orange peel and lotus leaf tea 30 minutes after a meal. Drinking tea before a meal will not only block the digestion and absorption of nutrients, but also continue to increase gastric juice, stimulate the gastrointestinal tract, and increase stomach pressure. Drinking tea after a meal can promote gastrointestinal digestion and absorption, with the effect of slimming and relieving tiredness!

    Second, Poria cocos can improve indigestion, regulate qi and strengthen spleen and stomach. In addition to being available in pharmacies or shopping malls, you can also make your own poria cocos in this season.

    Third, dry lotus leaves should be stored away from wet and cold areas, preferably in film bags, in cool and dry areas.

    Fourth, when preparing tangerine peel and lotus leaf tea, it can be paired with job's tears. Coix Job's tears can help remove body waste and promote basic metabolism. It can clear heat and detoxify, and also has a very good improvement effect on facial acne and dull skin.

    Does orange peel and lotus leaf tea have side effects?

    Generally speaking, orange peel lotus leaf tea has no side effects. Although orange peel lotus leaf tea has medicinal value, it actually has a certain scope of application like other Chinese medicinal materials. For example, people with spleen deficiency and stomach cold are not suitable for drinking orange peel lotus leaf tea for a long time, and it is also not suitable for pregnant mothers during pregnancy! In addition, Poria cocos can not be casually used to make tea. Poria cocos is warm, pungent and bitter, with fever, dry mouth and tongue, constipation, and yellow urine. It is not suitable for drinking poria cocos water.

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