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Service life of fresh air system in catering industry

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Service life of fresh air system in catering industry


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  • 2023-11-14 13:00:06

    The service life is between 10 and 15 years, but there are some differences in the service life due to different accessories and technologies used by different Xinfeng brands

    What factors will affect the life of the fresh air system

    Frequently start and stop fresh air system

    Do not start and stop the fresh air system frequently, because frequent start and stop of the fresh air system will not only increase energy consumption, but also may damage some parts of the fresh air system, affecting the service life.

    Service life of fresh air system in catering industry

    Generally speaking, the service life of the fresh air system is 10-15 years. In fact, the service life of the fresh air system will increase or decrease with the use environment of the machine, the use of fans and filters, and the maintenance of the machine.

    The fresh air replacement of the fresh air system uses only one kilowatt hour of electricity for three days. The Finnish Enke fresh air system uses DC brushless fans, which are more energy-saving than ordinary fans. Therefore, it is not a problem to turn on the fresh air fan 24 hours a day.


    2023-11-14 13:00:06

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