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Which country invented the ternary lithium battery

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Which country invented the ternary lithium battery


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  • 2023-11-14 19:00:14


    Ternary polymer lithium battery refers to the lithium battery whose cathode material is lithium nickel cobalt manganate (Li (NiCoMn) O2) ternary cathode material. The precursor product of ternary composite cathode material is made of nickel salt, cobalt salt and manganese salt as raw materials. The proportion of nickel, cobalt and manganese in the battery can be adjusted according to actual needs. The battery with ternary material as cathode is safer than the lithium cobalt battery. The ternary lithium battery performs better at low temperature and is not easy to reduce the range. Moreover, its energy density is higher than that of lithium iron phosphate battery and its electric capacity is larger at the same volume.

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