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Difference between Egg Tart and Egg Yolk

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Difference between Egg Tart and Egg Yolk


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  • 2024-05-26 01:00:00

    Egg yolk version is different from egg yolk. Egg yolk version is all raw eggs. Pour all raw eggs into the skin of the egg tart and cook them. Egg yolk refers to the egg yolk of the egg. Egg yolk cake made from egg yolk is darker and tastes more mellow, so people who love egg tarts are fond of egg tarts, You can choose the materials of egg tarts according to your own needs, but the differences between the two are similar.

    Is egg tarts made from egg yolk or egg yolk

    Depending on the need of the secret recipe, it can be either whole egg liquid or pure egg yolk. The taste of egg yolk crisp is all in the liquid, and the nutritional ingredients are also the most colorful. Egg yolk is the best preparation, Qinghui hard! The taste of egg yolk crisp is all in the liquid, and the nutritional ingredients are also the most colorful. Egg yolk is the best preparation, Qinghui hard!

    The Difference between Egg Yolk and Egg Yolk

    Egg yolk is not very different from egg yolk. In actual operation, the powder must be screened well. Bake it carefully.

    When adding egg yolk, it is recommended to sprinkle it first in a small plate as much as possible. In that way, it does not need to mix for a long time when adding milk. Too much mixing will cause more delicate foam in milk, resulting in a certain lack of beauty and elegance, and the consumption of raw materials.

    Egg yolk is easier to spread than egg yolk. After all, there is no thick egg white.

    My taste buds don't work and I feel similar. But some of my friends feel that the egg yolk is becoming more fragrant.

    In fact, there are many kinds of secret recipes, some are condensed milk, some are not. Some have fresh cream and some don't. Find your own best taste, and find the best prescription for beauty and generosity. That's all right.

    Method of egg yolk tarts

    1. Take out the egg tarts and raw eggs to the room 30 minutes in advance, and of course unfreeze them to ensure that the temperature is suitable.

    2. Put milk, fresh cream, sugar and condensed milk together, and heat 90 watts in microwave oven for 3min. Then take it down and mix it with a manual mixing device to ensure the combination of sugar particles. Do not mix too much to prevent whipping.

    3. Procedure 3 of Manual Egg Yolk Beating and Spreading Egg Yolk Tart

    4. Refrigerate the first combination and mix it with egg yolk. Mix well. Add egg tarts to the skin. Each is 8 points up and down. The amount of this prescription is just enough for 16 egg yolk crisps. Procedure of egg yolk tarts 4

    5. The electric oven is heated at 200 ℃ in advance. After that, put the egg yolk cake into the middle and high layers and bake it at 190 ℃ for 3 minutes. After that, it can be roasted at 200 degrees for 15 minutes.

    How to make egg yolk crispy whole egg

    1. Milk and cheese powder (I usually add baby milk powder) are dissolved and opened, put into a container, add sugar and condensed milk. Heat and mix until the sugar dissolves. Turn off the fire and let it cool

    2. Pour the scattered egg yolk into the slightly damp and hot milk solution, and stir it evenly with the egg beater.

    3. Filter the residue with a powder sieve.

    4. Pour it into the tarter mold, and it should be a little more than the tarter liquid of Portuguese tarter. It can be used when it is eight minutes full


    1. This recipe is a secret recipe for about 20 egg yolk tarts

    2. Fresh milk tarts are made from egg yolks. They have less smooth taste of Portuguese tarts and more extensibility of protein. When biting, they feel a little bouncy in the mouth and stimulate every taste on the tongue

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