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The fresh peas will taste better!

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The fresh peas will taste better!


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  • 2024-05-26 08:01:46

    Peas are very familiar food. There are many ways to eat peas. The food introduced today is closely related to peas. These three dishes are beef fried peas, peas stewed with tofu and salted peas. Here are the methods of each food.

    1、 Stir fried beef with peas

    In fact, peas are very nutritious food, and they are also very popular. It's great with beef. When you're alone, you can cook a dish and eat a bowl of rice

    1. Pea shelling

    2. Put 1 spoon of cooking wine into beef, mix soy sauce, sugar and oil well

    3. Stir fry beef in a hot oil pan until it changes color

    4. Shovel up the fried beef

    5. Put some salt into peas and stir fry them

    6. Relax and simmer with water for a while so that it is easier to cook

    7. When the peas are cooked, return the beef to the pan and mix well

    2、 Braised Tofu with Microwave Peas

    1. Prepare the ingredients: fried tofu, peas, carrots, and onions (you can choose any kind of tofu, but you can omit onions if you don't like them)

    2. Processing ingredients: wash the tofu, cut it into thin pieces, and spread it on the plate. Clean and dice onions, peel and dice carrots, and wash peas.

    3. Put peas and carrots in a bowl, add a little salt and mix well.

    4. Put it in the microwave oven, cover the lid and sting for 5 minutes.

    5. Prepare sauce: use another bowl to hold soy sauce, oyster sauce and chicken powder.

    6. Add a little sesame oil.

    7. Add a little sugar and mix well with a spoon.

    8. After the peas are cooked, take them out and spread them on the tofu.

    9. Pour the mixed sauce.

    10. Put it into the microwave oven again.

    11. Cover and sting for 2 minutes.

    12. Take out and sprinkle some scallions, then start.

    3、 Salted peas

    1. Information peas just bought.

    2. After washing twice with clean water, soak in light salt water for ten minutes.

    3. Then use scissors to cut off the two ends of the peas, which is not only easy to cook, but also easier to add a little salt flavor.

    4. Cut all the peas for use.

    5. Boil the water in the pot and pour in the peas.

    6. After boiling for five minutes, add some salt and continue to boil for two minutes.


    2024-05-26 08:01:46

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