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Tea eggs are common in families. It's better to mix them like this

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Tea eggs are common in families. It's better to mix them like this


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  • 2024-05-26 04:00:00

    I firmly believe that many young friends often eat tea eggs as early as possible in the morning. Tea eggs can not only change the taste of raw eggs, but also make them fragrant. In particular, pickling with tea leaves will contain a tea flavor, which is very popular. The usual practice of tea eggs is also very simple, but we should pay attention to the proper proportion and order of ingredients, Only then can we pickle the most nutritious and delicious tea eggs.

    Tea Flavored Boiled Eggs

    raw material

    Raw egg, tea bag, star anise, star anise, ginger, salt, soy sauce


    1 Put the raw egg into the pot, add cold water, open a gap on the lid, and boil it for 5-6 minutes on low heat after boiling;

    2. After the raw egg is cooled, gently pat the egg shell to make gaps around the raw egg;

    3 Put the raw eggs into the pot, add a certain amount of cold water, and put into the tea bag, star anise, star anise, ginger, salt and soy sauce;

    4. Bake it in high heat and turn it to low heat, and cook for 30-40 minutes;

    5 Pick out the tea bag and spices, soak the raw eggs in the sauce for 3-4 hours before eating.

    Traditional Tea Eggs

    raw material

    A. 6 raw eggs, 1 teaspoon salt, B. 1 packet of multi-purpose brine, 3 star anise, 2 packets of green tea bags, 10g oolong leaves, 1/2 cup light soy sauce, 1 teaspoon old rock sugar, 1 teaspoon salt


    1. Take a basin of water and gently clean the shell of the raw egg machine with a sponge cloth.

    2. Put the multi-purpose halogen package into the inner pot of the electric cooker, and then put the raw eggs in Practice 1. Add salt and all raw materials B (except the multi-purpose halogen package).

    3. Introduce the water flow that just covers all raw eggs into the inner pot of Practice 2.

    4. Introduce 2 cups of water into the outer pot of the electric cooker and press and hold the power switch.

    5. The raw materials and eggs shall be rolled every 3-5 minutes during the whole process of boiling, and the eggshells shall be evenly cracked with a spoon.

    6. When the power switch jumps up, the tea eggs will still be put quietly and stewed, colored and flavored.

    eggs boiled with tea leaves

    raw material

    10 raw eggs, 1 stewed packet, 3 star anise, 3 teaspoons light soy sauce, 1.5 teaspoons red tea, 1 teaspoon sugar


    1. Clean the shell of raw egg, boil it into white boiled egg, and crack the shell after refrigeration

    2. Take an electric pot and put the condiments into it first. I put sugar, steamed buns, star anise, and then add raw soya sauce. Mix it slightly to combine the condiments

    3. Insert the cooled cracked boiled egg into the inner pot with seasoning, and pour in water that can submerge the egg

    4. Two cups of water can be steamed by pressing

    5. After the electric cooker jumps up, remove the brine bag and tea leaves (I didn't take down the green tea myself), and let it stand for at least 40 minutes

    6. Win a great victory. The longer you play, the better you will be!

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