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Self made yogurt pudding

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Self made yogurt pudding


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  • 2024-05-26 14:00:00

    Yogurt pudding is a kind of snack that many people like to eat. It is very female friends, because you like sweet food. Therefore, they often eat some snacks, and the yogurt pudding they buy is often added with food preservatives and other ingredients, which are harmful to the body. Therefore, it is suggested not to eat it often, so there should be no problem in making your own yogurt pudding. How about making your own yogurt pudding?

    Can yogurt make pudding

    Yogurt can naturally be used to make pudding. It is not very difficult to make pudding. If an adhesive such as gelatine tablet (gelatine powder) is added to liquid raw materials, the adhesive can be heated, melted and stirred evenly with the liquid, and then frozen to make milk pudding. Its basic principle is that gelatinous substances are melted by heat and coagulated by cold. Many people have only used the semi-finished products sold in the market to process pudding powder. The ingredients of that kind of pudding powder are actually the compounds of baby milk powder sugar and gelatin powder, which need to be soaked in water, boiled and then cooled. Therefore, they think that the liquid raw materials must be thoroughly boiled when making pudding, and yogurt cannot be boiled, so there is doubt whether yogurt can be used as pudding. In fact, the only thing that needs to be heated when making pudding is the gelatine powder. After making tea, the gelatine powder is heated to liquid state, and then mixed with other liquids to be made pudding, such as milk, yogurt, fruit juice, fruit puree, etc., and then frozen to make milk pudding. It does not need to heat all raw materials together. Here's a prescription for the yogurt pudding I made before. Pure yogurt pudding is too thick and sour. If you want to maintain the soft taste of milk pudding, I suggest adding some milk to make it. It will taste better.

    Double milk pudding

    Raw materials: 150g yogurt, 100g pure milk, 20g granulated sugar, 5g gelatin powder, 50g water

    1. Take a small bowl, add 5g of gelatine powder to 50g of cold water, stir and soak evenly for 3min until the gelatine powder rises, and then microwave heat it for 30s until the aqueous solution of gelatine tablets becomes more and more transparent (if there is no microwave heating, put the small plate into the hot pot to dissolve it by heat in water);

    2. Take another sea bowl, pour pure milk and sour milk into the bowl, add fine granulated sugar, and mix well until the sugar completely melts;

    3. Finally, add the heated gelatine tablet aqueous solution to the milk bowl, and stir it again sufficiently to form the milk pudding solution;

    4. Transfer the prepared milk pudding liquid into the laminated glass pudding bottle and send it to the cold room for more than 4 hours. After the milk pudding is coagulated, it can be taken down for use.


    1. Since yoghurt is generally stored frozen, and milk is also generally stored at room temperature or frozen, so that sugar can be melted more strongly. Fine granulated sugar is used here. If there is only coarse granulated sugar at home, pay attention to mixing more to make sugar melt enough;

    2. The yoghurt here uses the original yoghurt made at home. If you use the yoghurt on the market, you can reduce the sugar by 3-5 grams.

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