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Soy lecithin is not suitable for people

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Soy lecithin is not suitable for people


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  • 2024-05-26 14:00:00

    Many people may not know much about soybean lecithin in their daily life, but they may know more about it for those who often buy health care products. Therefore, soybean lecithin is a kind of health care product, also known as the third trace element, which can have certain health care effects. The key roles are: promoting the growth and development of brain nerves, preventing Alzheimer's disease, maintaining the heart, skin care and beauty, etc. However, taking medicine needs to be careful. This article briefly introduces the groups that soybean lecithin is not suitable for.

    What is soybean lecithin

    Soybean lecithin belongs to a compound, which consists of ammonium sulfate, choline, oleic acid, vaseline, glycolipids, vaseline triacetate and its unsaturated fatty acids. Soybean lecithin is called the "third nutrient element" alongside protein and vitamins. Soy lecithin is sometimes synonymous with pure phosphatidylcholine. Soybean lecithin is mainly found in egg yolk, soybean and animal viscera. Scientific research has confirmed that the effect of soybean lecithin is better than that of soybean lecithin in egg yolk. It is more convenient to transport cholesterol, so that bile alcohol does not accumulate in the aortic wall.

    Do not think that health care products should be salty for all ages. It is very specific to soybean lecithin, and it is not salty for all ages. Generally speaking, the scope of application of soybean lecithin capsules can be divided into the following categories:

    1. "Three high" group, people with cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, can have very good preventive effect.

    2. People who want to enhance memory and prevent senile dementia.

    3. Excessive drinking or liver function disorder.

    4. Patients with gallstones.

    5. Diabetics.

    6. The skin is not smooth, with chloasma and senile spots.

    Not suitable for the group

    Soybean lecithin should be taboo for existing hyperlipidemia, arteriosclerosis and fat people. Although many human fat foods contain a lot of soybean lecithin, they also contain high cholesterol (such as small animal brains and animal viscera). The elderly and patients with cardiovascular diseases should be careful to eat them. Soybean lecithin is good, but you should not eat more, otherwise you are prone to obesity and hyperlipidemia.

    The middle-aged and elderly can take soy lecithin capsules together with fish oil soft capsules, so the actual effect is stronger. Fish oil can dissolve and extract unnecessary cholesterol and other wastes in the heart and brain vessels. Soybean lecithin has the function of transporting wastes and repairing stimulating body cells. In addition to taking fish oil, taking soybean lecithin can make the unsaturated fat, the key component of fish oil, like a fish in water, and increase the actual effect, and create a clean and smooth blood natural environment, improve the flexibility of blood vessels, reasonably care for the heart and brain blood vessels, and soybean lecithin can improve the metabolism of the liver, thus protecting the liver from damage.


    2024-05-26 14:00:00

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