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How can I steam without a steamer?

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How can I steam without a steamer?


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  • 2024-05-26 09:01:47

    For people who don't cook very often, if they don't have a full set of pots, they will be baffled. What to do is not clear. If they want to steam things very much, they don't have a frying pan, and they don't have a cage drawer. In this case, most people will be baffled. But for people who often cook, this is actually impossible, The following actually describes in detail how to steam things without frying pan.

    How can I steam without a frying pan?

    There are two wooden chopsticks in the pot. Add water to the pot. It is better not to exceed the wooden chopsticks in the deep layer of water, or the wooden chopsticks will drift or float.

    Note that wooden chopsticks can not be on the same side, but the big end and the small end alternate.

    In this way, you can put six or seven wooden chopsticks in order

    It is very safe to put the dish plate to be steamed on the wooden chopsticks

    Put the lid on, and you can steam things like a wok

    common problem

    The total number of wooden chopsticks should not be too small, six or seven pieces is better

    Chopsticks should be placed first and then, with one end larger and the other smaller

    How to steam steamed bread without frying pan

    Handmade knife cutting steamed bread

    Raw materials: 300g wheat flour, 150g cold water, 3g fermented powder;

    Specific methods:

    1. 300g wheat flour 150g cold water 3g fermentation powder together into a large basin;

    2. Make a soft batter;

    3. Use a rolling pin to roll, preferably into a rectangle or square;

    4. Roll up the rolled dough;

    5. Cut it into a small piece of suitable size with a knife, and the cut pieces on both sides can be kneaded together to form a circle;

    6. Put warm boiled water in the container of the electric rice cooker and place the steamer drawer. Since there are holes at the bottom of the steamer drawer, cut a sheet of tin foil or place it in the middle with the cage cloth, then place the cut steamed buns in the steamer drawer successively and cover the electric rice cooker, Let the waking face stand for 30-40 minutes (it is necessary to determine the waking time according to the waking situation. Generally speaking, if the tank is filled with warm boiled water, a certain temperature and environmental humidity will be generated in the rice cooker, and 30-40 minutes will completely mellow, but be careful not to put too hot water. If the water is too hot, the yeast will burn to death, and then it will not mellow);

    Note name: At this time, the electric rice cooker is not connected to the power supply, but only put the steamed buns into the dough.

    7. It can be seen that the steamed buns with good appearance have significantly expanded. Then connect the electric cooker to the power supply and start the "steaming" function. The time setting is 30 minutes;

    8. When the time is up, the electric rice cooker returns to the thermal insulation condition. At this time, the power can be cut off, and then it can be turned on 3 minutes up and down. The white, white and tender steamed bread will be ready;

    To make steamed buns, you must knead them well with flour. The steamed buns will taste strong and taste good.


    2024-05-26 09:01:47

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