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Home cooking of fried pork with minced meat

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Home cooking of fried pork with minced meat


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  • 2024-05-26 01:00:00

    Raw pork is something we often eat in our daily life, and the frequency of eating is also very high. The most common thing is to fry pork, which can be fried with many dishes. In addition to fried lean meat, pork saozi is also a very good specialty food, and the practice of fans of fried pork saozi is well known. In addition to raw pork, there are also various vegetables, including green vegetables, broccoli or rape seeds. Naturally, you can also choose other vegetables and fruits you like.

    Manufacturing raw materials

    Main materials: fresh noodles (standard powder) (500g), raw pork (fat and thin) (250g)

    Auxiliary materials: green vegetables (100g), broccoli (80g), rape seeds (80g)

    Seasonings: shallot (25g) ginger (4g) salt (4g) chicken essence (2g) soy sauce (100g) bean paste film (10g) rice wine (15g) white pepper powder (2g) oil pepper (75g) sesame oil (20g) edible oil (50g)

    Processing technology

    1. Clean the raw pork and cut it into fine sand; Clean the vegetables, broccoli and rape seeds, blanch them in boiling water until they are broken, pick them up, cool them, and cut them into strips; Chop the chips of watercress film; Scallion and ginger are peeled, cleaned, cut into powder and reserved.

    2. Put the pot on the fire, pour in the cooking oil, heat it to 60% or 70%, put it into the ginger foam cooking pot, put it into the pig meat granule and stir fry it for about 3 minutes after the aroma is released, until the meat granule fades and emits, add rice wine, salt, and bean paste, stir fry it twice at the end of the film, pour it into the appropriate pickled cabbage fish hot pot after the aroma is spilled, sprinkle it with white pepper powder, and stir it to make the meat saozi.

    3. Heat the chili oil and soy sauce, put the chopped green onion and chicken essence into a bowl, stir and boil the juice, and then divide into several bowls.

    4. Boil the fresh noodles, take them out to control the moisture content, put them into a bowl respectively, pour in the meat paste, put in the vegetables and fruits, pour in the salad oil and stir them, then take them.

    Recipe Nutrition

    Fresh noodles (standard powder): the key nutrients of fresh noodles include protein, body fat, carbohydrate compounds, etc; Fresh noodles are easy to digest. They can improve anemia, immunity, and balance the digestion and absorption of nutrients.

    Raw pork (fat and thin): raw pork has rich and colorful protein food and essential oleic acid, and can improve iron deficiency anemia by showing hemoglobin (organic chemical iron) and cystine that promotes iron digestion and absorption; It has the function of tonifying kidney, strengthening yang, supplementing qi, nourishing blood, nourishing yin and moistening dryness; However, due to the high cholesterol content in raw pork, obese people and those with high blood sugar are not suitable to eat more.

    Green vegetables: minerals often contained in green vegetables can promote the growth and development of bones, accelerate the basic metabolism of the body and improve the hematopoietic function of the body. Nutrients such as carotene and vitamin b3 are also key substances to maintain life activities. It can reduce tension and anxiety. Eating more vegetables before exams is conducive to maintaining a calm attitude. According to the ancient medical secretary, green vegetables can neutralize, help small and large intestines, strengthen the spleen and stomach, facilitate urination, and promote digestion and absorption. Green vegetables are also conducive to the dissipation of urticaria.

    Broccoli: Broccoli contains a lot of beta carotene and iron, which is also an excellent source of vitamin b26, folic acid tablets, iron and potassium. The rich and colorful iron in it can improve iron deficiency anemia, make people ruddy and radiant, so it is favored as the top beauty product. Broccoli leaves contain chromium and a type of insulin glargine like substance, whose effect is very similar to that of insulin glargine, which can keep the blood sugar value for a long time. The rich and colorful B vitamins can avoid the symptoms of vitamin attention deficit such as angular stomatitis and night blindness. Broccoli contains many antioxidants, such as vitamin E and selenium, which can delay aging and promote cell proliferation. It can not only stimulate the brain nerves, but also improve vitality, which is conducive to avoiding the brittleness of human brain and senile dementia. A scientific study by Harvard University in the United States also found that the middle-aged and old people who take broccoli 2 to 4 times a week can reduce the risk of macular degeneration in the fundus of the eye and protect the eyes by taking vitamin D and carotene.

    Rapeseed: Rapeseed contains rich and colorful calcium, iron and vitamin C. In addition, carotene is also very rich and colorful, which is the key nutrient source for the growth and development of the body's mucosa and epithelial tissue. It is beneficial to resist excessive keratinization of the skin, so why not eat more rape seeds for beauty seekers. Rapeseed also has the functions of promoting blood circulation system, dispersing blood and detumescence, promoting blood circulation and removing stasis, detoxifying and detumescence, broadening the intestines and moistening the intestines, and strengthening the physique. This foreign surgeon still found that the rape seeds contain substances that can promote the formation of binocular rhodopsin, which can have a clear effect. In addition, he emphasized that cruciferous vegetables and fruits such as rape seeds can reduce the risk of pancreatic cancer.

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