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How to steam bread at home

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How to steam bread at home


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  • 2024-05-26 14:00:00

    In general bakeries, they use electric ovens when making bread, because electric ovens are an important household appliance to make toast successful. However, because of the huge volume and high price of electric ovens, not many homes will always have electric ovens. Therefore, if you want to make bread at home, but there is no electric oven, you can use water to steam bread. So what's the way to steam bread with your own tap water at home?

    1、 Steamed Toast Bread

    Raw materials: yeast, wheat flour, raw eggs, sugar, white sesame, milk, applesauce.


    1. Ferment with yeast, milk, raw eggs, white sesame, sugar and flour.

    2. Roll the mellow flour into a cake, coat the top with apple jam, and fold it into a roll.

    3. Steam for 20 minutes, and then cut another slice from the pot.

    2、 Small sweet round toast

    Raw materials: 750g sweet bread batter, 100g applesauce sauce, 2 raw eggs, 100g Kosher


    1. Put the mellow batter on the actual operating table, divide it into 10 pieces of batter, roll it into batter and put it on the blockboard for 10 minutes.

    2. Put the batter over the face, roll it with a rolling pin facing up, put a little applesauce sauce in the middle, draw the faces together, and wrap the fruit paste in it in a semicircle shape.

    3. Cut four holes on the outside with a knife, put them on a greased iron baking tray, and send them to the greenhouse for distribution. When the volume of distribution exceeds one time, remove them and brush a layer of egg liquid.

    4. Put the toast into a cloth bag with a round mouth, and squeeze lines on the surface of the bread.

    5. Send to 200 ℃ barbecue box. For about 10 minutes, bake it with orange, and announce it when it is thoroughly cooked.

    3、 Sandwich

    Raw materials: 1 piece of toast, 1 raw egg, 1 sausage, and proper cheese.


    1. The toast management center is hollowed out to form a square hole, and the toast doughnut is put into the cooking pot to maintain the Chinese fire.

    2. Add a small amount of oil in the toast bagel (put salt free butter if you pay attention to aroma), and beat raw eggs.

    3. Rotate the frying pan and let the raw egg cover the toast donut.

    4. When the raw egg is half cooked, put sausage and cheese on it successively, cover the toast excavated before, and gently insert it into the toast ring with a shovel.

    5. Turn it over and fry it until it turns slightly yellow.

    4、 Purple heart toast

    Raw materials: 250g wheat flour, 1 raw egg, 6g bread yeast powder, two spoons of sunflower seed oil, a small amount of salt, 30g white granulated sugar, 150g cooked sweet potatoes, 120ml cow milk.


    1. Put all the raw materials into the bread machine, mix them evenly until the plastic film can be pulled out.

    2. Make plastic surgery again for the second time.

    3. After the second alcohol generation, put it into the heated electric oven at 200 ℃ for 20 minutes.

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