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Which 10 kinds of people should not drink yogurt?

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Which 10 kinds of people should not drink yogurt?


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  • 2024-05-26 03:01:49

    Yogurt has many benefits to the body. It can improve food ingredients, digestion and absorption. It can supplement calcium and zinc. Yogurt can often increase resistance. Although it is delicious and nutritious, yogurt also has some harm to the body, especially for some conditions, such as gastric ulcer and diabetes, There are also people who are allergic to milk protein who are not suitable for drinking pure milk. Which 10 types of people are not suitable for yogurt? Let's have a look next.

    1、 It is not suitable for patients with peptic ulcer to drink pure milk

    Cow milk can alleviate the irritation of gastric acid on ulcer surface, but it can also stimulate gastrointestinal mucosa to metabolize a lot of gastric juice, which will aggravate the disease

    2、 Pure milk is not suitable for patients with iron deficiency anemia

    Usually, the iron in food materials can be digested and absorbed by the body only after it is converted into ferrous in the digestive system. When drinking pure milk, ferrous in the body will fuse with the phosphorus salt and calcium in milk to form insoluble compounds, which will affect the recovery of patients with iron deficiency anemia who have poor digestion and absorption as soon as possible

    3、 It is not suitable for people with abdominal distention, abdominal pain, diarrhea and other diseases to drink pure milk

    Cow milk will cause abdominal distention, abdominal pain, diarrhea and other symptoms to worsen and become malignant

    4、 It is not suitable for patients after abdominal surgery to drink pure milk

    Most of these patients have flatulence in their abdomen. Cow milk contains more whey protein and human fat, which is difficult to digest and absorb in the stomach. When cow milk enters the abdomen and becomes mellow, it can cause vapor, which aggravates flatulence in the abdomen and is not conducive to the repair of gastrointestinal peristalsis

    5、 It is not suitable for patients with lactose acid deficiency to drink pure milk

    Milk contains a high content of whey protein. Whey protein must be dissolved into glucose and galactose under the effect of lactose acid in the digestive system before it can be digested and absorbed by the body. If lactose acid is deficient, taking milk will cause abdominal pain and diarrhea

    6、 Pure milk is not suitable for patients with cholecystitis and pancreatitis

    The digestion and absorption of human fat carried by cow milk requires the participation of bile and pancreatic lipase. Drinking pure milk will aggravate the pressure of pancreas and gallbladder, thus exacerbating the disease

    7、 Pure milk is not suitable for patients with reflux esophagitis

    The presence of high-fat milk will affect the closure of the lower esophagus expansion, thus increasing the reflux of gastric acid or intestinal juice and aggravating the symptoms of esophagitis.

    8、 Lead workers are not suitable for drinking pure milk

    Whey protein in cow's milk can promote the digestion, absorption and accumulation of lead in human body, and aggravate and cause the probability of lead poisoning

    9、 People with milk protein allergy are not suitable to drink pure milk

    Some people with special constitution are allergic to milk protein. After drinking pure milk, they will have abdominal pain, diarrhea and other diseases. Some people with severe skin allergies may even have rhinitis, asthma or urticaria

    10、 Yogurt is not suitable for diabetics

    As sour milk has high sugar content, it is not suitable for sour milk.

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