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How to make tartary buckwheat flour delicious?

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How to make tartary buckwheat flour delicious?


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  • 2024-05-26 14:00:00

    The common way to make buckwheat flour is to make it into Udon noodles. Although Udon noodles have high nutritional content and are suitable for most people to take, especially those suffering from three high levels, they are of the nature of buckwheat flour

    Cold, spleen and stomach deficiency cold or indigestion, it is best not to eat too much at a time, otherwise it is very easy to lead to indigestion. There are many ways to make tartary buckwheat flour

    How to make delicious buckwheat flour.

    Method of Japanese buckwheat flour

    Main materials: tartary buckwheat flour

    Auxiliary materials: 1 raw egg, 15g Huai yam, 3g laver, proper firewood, 5g seasoning onion, 10g mustard.


    1. If you want to dry Wudong Noodle Juice, you should first make Chaiyu Big Bone Soup by putting 1000ml of water and 100g of Chaiyu flower into a pot and boiling for 20 minutes;

    2. Then filter out the big bone soup with a filter screen;

    3. Take 120ml Big Bone Soup;

    4. Then prepare 40ml Japanese soy sauce, 12g sugar and 2 teaspoons of monosodium glutamate in advance;

    5. Boil all the raw materials together in the pot to form the noodle juice;

    6. Take 50ml of noodles juice with Udon noodles;

    7. Next, fry and stretch the scrotum, then cut thin strips to reserve, and finally cook Wudong Noodle. Cook for about 5 minutes until cooked, and then immediately put it into cold water to be too cold. After the water is dried, take it out and mix it with firewood flower, seaweed

    Eat the scallions as soon as possible after they are put on the plate together, or the fresh noodles will lose their extensibility.

    How to make rye bread

    Food: 200g high gluten flour, 50g buckwheat flour, 3g yeast, 5g white granulated sugar, 4g salt, 140g water, 10g animal oil.


    1. Mix the dry and wet raw materials until the surface is smooth and malleable. Add animal oil and mix until the paste can pull out the moisturizing mask. Then the indoor temperature becomes mellow for 50 minutes.

    2. Divide into 200g and relax for 40 minutes.

    3. Roll the batter round.

    4. Put it into the baking tray and evaporate it for 50 minutes at 30 ℃ and 80% ambient humidity.

    5. After mellowing, sprinkle rye flour on the surface.

    6. Draw a deciduous wound on the top of the toast.

    7. Put it into the electric oven and bake it with steam at 200 ℃ for 25 minutes.

    Suitable group of Wudong Noodles

    1. Diabetic patients: The test found that only the black wheat often contains PMP to prevent diabetes, which can stimulate pancreatic function, promote pancreatic metabolism, and reduce blood sugar.

    2. People with high blood pressure, high blood pressure, high blood pressure and high blood pressure: PMP can strengthen the ductility of capillaries, improve arteriosclerosis, improve hypertension, and prevent brain injury accidents.

    3. Teenagers and children: The protein of rye is higher than that of rice and flour. Especially for children in the growing stage, it is more suitable to eat some rye noodles, in which calcium hydrogen phosphate and arginine play a role

    Parents will be surprised by the children's high-speed operation and intelligence.

    Because of this, rye is a very high-quality staple food, especially for the obese, hypertensive, diabetic and middle-aged and elderly people. But Wudong Noodles are cold and easy to hurt

    Stomach, so you must soak it for a long time until it is soft, with stronger taste and easier digestion and absorption.

    Common problems in taking Wudong Noodles

    1. It is generally recommended to eat black wheat or buckwheat noodles every three days (equivalent to 100g fresh noodles), which has some practical health care effects. At present, buckwheat noodles and rye food are popular in Korea, Japan and other countries

    Everyone loves it.

    2. It is not suitable for those who take traditional Chinese medicine, those with weak spleen and stomach, poor digestion and absorption, and those who often have diarrhea, pregnant women, and those with allergic constitution.

    3. Black wheat is cold, which is not easy to digest and absorb. Therefore, try to avoid matching with hot food such as beef.

    4. Wudong noodles should be boiled for a short time, and should be soft and easy to take. Since rutin and protein are dissolved in the sauce, it is better to drink the soup as well.

    If you pay attention to the above common problems, you can give full play to the role and efficacy of Udon Noodles as soon as possible. You should pay attention when you take it.

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