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Stewed potato with curry ribs

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Stewed potato with curry ribs


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  • 2024-05-26 14:00:00

    I firmly believe that everyone has eaten curry sauce. What is curry? Curry sauce (also creating curry) is a sauce made from a variety of spices. It is mostly found in Indian food, Yunnan food and Japanese food. It is usually eaten with meat and rice. Curry is a variety of dishes that have been changed and uniquely seasoned. Then what's the recipe for stewing curry ribs with potatoes? Let's learn how to stew curry ribs with potatoes.

    Food: 500 grams of pork ribs, 250 grams of potatoes, 100 grams of scallions, 1 teaspoon of garlic paste? Seasoning: 1 teaspoon of cinnamon powder? Curry sauce 1.5 1 tsp salt 1~1.5 tsp warm water about 500ml

    Preparation time: 30 minutes

    Stewed potato with curry ribs:

    1. Clean and chop pork chops, blanch them, rinse them with warm boiled water, and dry them;

    2. Clean and cut scallions into thick shreds;

    3. Peel and cut potatoes into pieces, soak them in cold water to remove cassava starch, and then control the moisture content;

    4. Heat the pan with oil, and then put potato pieces into it. Deep fry the potatoes until they are golden on the surface in a moderate fire;

    5. Leave a small amount of bottom oil in the pot, and the garlic paste is popular;

    6. Pour in pork chops, turn down the heat and stir fry slightly;

    7. Add cinnamon powder and curry sauce, stir well;

    8. Pour warm boiled water into the pork chops, turn to gentle fire after the fire, and stew until the pork chops are basically cooked and soft;

    9. Pour in shallots and potatoes, stew again until the potatoes are soft, and finally add salt.

    How to make chicken curry rice

    Raw materials: meat: beef and mutton, raw pork, chicken breast, cut into a small dish: potato - slice (smaller), carrot - hob block, onion - cut into a small piece of material: vegetable oil, salt, curry sauce Process: 1. Add a little oil in the pot, fry lean meat 2. Put vegetables into the pot and fry with the meat, pay attention to putting more oil, Appropriate salt should also be added (it can also be left blank until the curry sauce is added, and then salt should be added if the salty taste is not enough) 3. The dishes should be cooked thoroughly, and water should be put into the dishes, and the dishes should be cooked gently 4. The dishes are ripe, and the dishes should be cooked gently. Mix the curry sauce with a small amount of cold water (the amount of curry sauce can be used according to its own taste), and then pour it into the pot to stir. Add curry sauce while tasting. 5. Cook again for 5 minutes. 6. White rice is prepared separately. The process of pouring it with meal and soup is as follows: 1) Cut the tight beef and mutton into 2cm thick pieces. You can also go to the supermarket to buy the cut ones, which are a little fat or stronger with tendons. (Note: What meat to put in the chicken curry rice depends on your personal interests. You can also reduce the size of the ribs and put chicken legs. It's better to have bones.) (In addition, a pot of rice should be stuffed.) 2) In addition, cut potatoes into lattices (small pieces must not be too big), cut carrots into small round pieces (skin them, and make them bigger), and cut onions into thick silk if they are too large. 3) Put proper oil in the pot, put beef and mutton in the medium candle, stir fry it (dry the water, or it will pop!), and take it off when you see the edge is burnt. 4) Use the remaining oil to stir fry the carrots and scallions, add beef and mutton, and add water, which is about the same height as the vegetables. 5) Fill the soup with beef, mutton, scallions and carrots with large candles and boil it until it boils down. Turn off the fire and let it stand for 15 minutes. 6) Then put in the curry powder, and after it has completely melted (about 10 minutes), put in the potatoes (some salad dressing will be more mellow if added properly). 7) Boil it gently (about 15 minutes), mix it while boiling, and keep saying: "Don't paste, don't paste... or you will paste:) 8) Eat the potatoes until they are ripe. Note: potatoes must be cooked. In addition, generally speaking, you don't need to put all condiments. There are many problems that need to be noted: 1) Curry sauce is a kind of condiment with a pungent smell, Students with poor stomachs must pay attention when eating; In addition, rice and water need not be less and hard. 2) If it's for two people, the following proportions can be considered: one jin of beef and mutton (one can in the mall), one medium potato, one big red radish, one and a half onions, half a box of curry sauce, and the white rice depends on the couple's appetite:) 3) If you can't eat it at one meal, you can store it in the refrigerator first, and the second meal is more delicious! However, in the case of the second hot meal, pay attention to that the curd juice should gradually melt away and be constantly mixed.

    The content of the article gives us a detailed introduction to the method of stewing curry ribs with potatoes. We believe that we all know that we can give our relatives curry sauce ribs with potatoes in summer vacation or leisure time. Let's try our detailed method of stewing curry ribs with potatoes. Let you enjoy delicious food and happy time with your family.

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