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Steamed shrimps for a few minutes

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Steamed shrimps for a few minutes


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  • 2024-05-26 14:00:00

    Pipi shrimp is a delicious seafood food. Its meat is tender and nutritious, with rich and colorful protein and vitamins. It can take into account the nutritional ingredients needed by the human body, and is suitable for most people to take, especially those with weak infiltration and poor physical quality can eat more, like baby complementary food is also very good. But the whole process of making Pipi shrimp needs to be mastered, otherwise it is very easy to affect the taste of Pipi shrimp eggs. How about steamed bean shrimp for a few minutes?

    Generally speaking, 8 minutes is the best time to cook the shrimps. If you use a pressure cooker, it will take 3-5 minutes to do the same, and the general wok will take 5-8 minutes. The shrimp is not cooked for a short time; If the time is too long, the delicious smell of shrimp will flow out.

    However, it should be noted that before steaming the shrimps, add salt water to soak them up and down for 10 minutes, so that they can not only remove the residue on the surface of the shrimps, but also have the effect of sterilization and achieve the goal of deodorization.

    People who like lobster must know that shrimps with skin are unique in shrimp. The shrimps are fresh, sweet, tender, smooth, light and soft, especially with a unique flavor, which is very tempting. Steamed shrimps are the best way to preserve this kind of flavor. How long is it best to steam the shrimps with skin?

    How long should the shrimps be steamed

    In terms of basic cooking methods, the shrimps can be boiled in the raw water of the frying pan and then put into the frying pan. It usually takes only 5 minutes to steam the shrimps. At this moment, the shrimps are the most fragrant and delicious, which is suitable for taking. The time of steaming is too short, and the shrimps are not too ripe to take. However, if you steam the shrimps for a long time, the delicious smell of the shrimps will flow out, and the taste will be weak. It is recommended that the shrimps should be steamed for 5 to 8 minutes.

    How do you steam shrimps

    Method 1. Rinse shrimps and put them into containers, add salt, white granulated sugar, and marinate with rice wine for 10 minutes, and reserve them; Hot pepper cleaning, cutting and reservation; Take another small plate, pour in vinegar, add ginger foam, chopped green onion and sesame oil to reserve.

    2. Put proper water in the frying pan, boil it over high heat, pack the shrimps with vegetable plates, put them into the frying pan, and steam them for 5 minutes.

    3. Out of the pot, put in proper oil, boil it, put in pepper for explosion, turn off the fire, and pour it on the shrimp.

    4. Characteristics: There is too much water in the boiled shrimp, while the steamed meat is tight and delicious.

    Mode 2

    1. Clean the frying pan, put spring water in the bottom pan, and put steamers on the top. Water should be put less, because there is no need to steam for how long.

    2. Place the shrimps on the steamer tray with their backs facing down and stomach facing up. If you can't finish placing them on the first floor, you will cross the second floor. In that way, the shrimps will not run away. And the belly is upward, which is very easy to taste salt and seasoning.

    3. Sprinkle pepper, star anise, onion, ginger slices, garlic cloves and other condiments on the shrimps.

    4. Take some salt and evenly sprinkle it on the shrimps.

    5. Put on the lid, light the fire, and boil the water for 3-5 minutes. When you see that the skin of shrimps turns bright red, it will be rotten.

    What can't you eat when eating skin shrimp

    Ingredients with high vitamin C content: Pipi shrimp is also classified as crustacean seafood, with five valence arsenic. If it is used with ingredients with high vitamin C content, it can be converted into poison, with toxic and side effects. Common ingredients with high vitamin C content include tomato, macadamia, rosa roxburghii, etc.

    Wine: Eating lobster and drinking alcohol is a favorite of many people, but they don't know how much harm it will do to the human body, which will increase the production of blood uric acid, or increase the load of kidney function, or cause gout in serious cases.

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