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How bitter is your own mung bean sprout

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How bitter is your own mung bean sprout


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  • 2024-05-26 05:00:00

    We firmly believe that we are making bean sprouts for the first time in our daily life. Despite our success in making soybean sprouts, they taste bitter, without the taste of those sold outside, and they are not delicious. This kind of situation can be taken into account because the way of brewing is not right, and the green beans have already become moldy, so the soybean sprouts are bitter, In the case of soaking green bean sprouts, attention should be paid to the method, which is very critical. Regular watering should be carried out. Only after the effect of soaking green bean sprouts is achieved, can they really soak well.

    How to make mung bean sprouts

    1. Prepare proper mungbean, cloth, dish plate, water, drain plate and plastic bucket in advance.

    2. First soak the mung beans in water for one night to make them "awake".

    3. Put the soaked green beans in the dish and scrape them as flat as possible.

    4. Put the mung beans with the dish plate inside into the bucket, and cover the mung beans with a cloth to prevent the moisture from volatilizing.

    5. Water twice a day, once in the morning and once at night. The water in the plastic bucket need not be thrown away.

    6. During the period, a slightly larger basin can be used to hook the plastic bucket and put it in a shady and shaded area.

    7.2 After 3 days, the soybean sprout will show its prototype; When it's raining in the morning, you can take it out and cook it.

    8. During the whole process of green bean sprouting, the room temperature should be maintained at more than 20 degrees; Mung beans cannot be paved too thick, or they will easily grow moldy.

    Yellow bean sprouts

    Can you eat the leaves of soybean sprouts

    1. First of all, this tender leaf is edible and does no harm to the body, but it tastes bad, so very few people want to eat soybean sprout leaves.

    2. The reason for this kind of situation is usually that the average temperature suddenly rises or the cycle time of budding is not well controlled, resulting in too much sprouting and too old sprouting.

    3. In the whole process of green bean sprouts, it is necessary to observe the rising trend of soybean sprouts every two days to prevent the growth of leaves from affecting the overall taste.

    Can bean sprouts grow roots

    1. Without exposure, bean sprouts will not get too old even if they have roots. In this kind of situation, bean sprouts with roots can also be eaten.

    2. If the bean sprouts are exposed, they are likely to age, and the taste will become more and more soft and not crisp.

    3. After bean sprouts grow roots, there is no endotoxin. Scientifically speaking, it can be taken, but the root is not easy to digest and absorb, and will affect the overall taste. Therefore, it is not recommended to take it, and it is advisable to remove the too old root.


    2024-05-26 05:00:00

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