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Home cooked Salmon

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Home cooked Salmon


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  • 2024-05-26 14:00:00

    Salmon can be eaten in a variety of ways, but if you make it at home, you will want to boil it before eating it, but that will affect the taste of salmon itself. Generally, it is mainly eaten raw, such as sashimi, which is a better way at this stage, The taste of cooked salmon will become more and more pure, and some will cook raw scallop porridge.

    One fish for two meals (sashimi, head and tail soup or porridge).

    1. Salmon Sashimi.

    2. Boil fish bone soup: introduce big bone soup into the pot, add fish bones, head and tail, onion and ginger slices, then add Chinese cabbage, water tofu and boil the soup until it boils down, and immediately out of the pot.

    Raw fish bone porridge: Gaoliang rice porridge is reserved. Put the fish head and bones with chopped peppers into the pan and fry them until half cooked, pour a small amount of rice wine, then introduce the big bone soup, add the porridge, boil it until the porridge rolls, immediately out of the pan, add a small amount of white pepper and lettuce.

    Like other freshwater fish, salmon is also rich in protein and higher than other freshwater fish. Therefore, eating more salmon can maintain potassium and sodium balance; Eliminate edema. Because it contains high protein food, it can also enhance immunity. Because the protein is rich and colorful, it is beneficial to maintain the extensibility of blood vessels, thus reducing blood pressure. The hemoglobin concentration is also a kind of protein, which can buffer anemia and is beneficial to blindness.

    High copper content

    Copper is an indispensable mineral for human health, which has something to do with the color of our hair. If we lack copper, juvenile white hair will appear. Moreover, copper needles have a key impact on the growth, development and function of blood, nerve center, human immune system, skin and bone tissues, brain, liver, heart and other internal organs. Lack of copper will also cause anemia. Therefore, more salmon is one of the better ways to absorb copper.

    Prevention of stroke

    Because salmon can live in the sea floor, there is an unsaturated fat in its blood, which can eliminate excessive saturated fat in the blood, soften blood vessels, improve the blood circulation system, reduce the damage of long-chain fatty acid endotoxin to blood vessel walls, and maintain the ductility of blood vessel walls, so it can reasonably prevent stroke.

    Other roles

    Salmon, with DHA in it, is called the patron saint of human brain, so it has the effect of improving brain function and preventing Alzheimer's disease, and can be used to assist in the treatment and prevention of Parkinson's disease, stroke, decreased vision and other diseases. Salmon can also reasonably prevent liver cancer.


    2024-05-26 14:00:00

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