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How to bake cakes in the kitchen

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How to bake cakes in the kitchen


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  • 2024-05-26 12:00:00

    Maybe many people have tried to make cakes at home, but if they do not grasp the method of making cakes, they will not succeed in making birthday cakes. In some cases, it will become paste, and in other cases, it will not taste delicious. The key to making a cake is to bake the cake. The birthday cake baked from the cake is generally soft in taste, with a feeling of melting in the mouth. So how on earth do you bake cakes in the kitchen? Let's learn and train next.

    Prepare raw eggs, wheat flour, etc. in advance.

    1、 Beat raw egg yolks in a clean basin, then add white granulated sugar and vinegar.

    2、 Use the egg beater to inject the egg liquid at high speed, which is twice the size of the original one, and then add edible oil bit by bit, and inject the white color, which is three times the size of the original one.

    3、 The cooking oil can't show the oil bead after being beaten. Sift in the wheat flour and send the filial piety flour. After sifting in the wheat flour, beat it at low speed for a few seconds with the electric egg beater. The wheat flour is stirred and taken out immediately, so that the birthday cake liquid will be fine.

    4、 Pour the birthday cake liquid into the grinding tool for 8 minutes, mix and burn it into the last second layer, and bake it for 30 minutes.

    Material Low gluten powder 90g Salt free butter 30g Milk 30g White granulated sugar 90g Raw egg 3

    Method of sponge cake

    Weigh the above raw materials successively (pay attention to the specified indoor temperature of raw eggs), then melt the salt free butter into liquid by direct fire or microwave heating, pour it into milk, mix it evenly and reserve it;

    Fully prepare a pot of boiling water of 50 degrees, place the egg beater containing eggs and sugar in the boiling water pot, and just start to use the electric egg beater to separate the boiling water and grind the egg yolk.

    With continuous stirring, the color of the egg liquid just began to fade, the big bubbles became lower and lower, and the tissues became more and more thick, delicate and clean.

    When it comes to the electric egg beater, it will be found that the yolk liquid flowing down can be stored in the basin for a period of time, and it is not easy to dissipate quickly, which indicates that the yolk has been successfully dissipated.

    Sift in the pre weighed wheat flour, and use the eraser scraper to mix the wheat flour and egg yolk liquid evenly with the mixing technique. The mixing technique should be as soft as possible. The whole egg is easy to break the milk. Make sure that the final flour paste will not see all wheat flour when it is mixed casually.

    After mixing the flour paste evenly, use a scraper to scoop out a part of it and mix it with the previous milk salt free butter solution.

    Then pour it back into the egg beater and mix it with all the batter again. Pay attention to the mixing technique, and try to be soft as possible to prevent demulsification.

    Pour the final slurry into the grinding tool, and shake the table with force for several times to shake out the large bubbles inside. The electric oven is heated to 150 degrees in advance, and the grinding tool is put into the middle and lower layers of the electric oven. The time is set to 40 minutes, and the cake baking is just started.

    The birthday cake in the electric oven will gradually grow. If you find that the surface coloring is fast, you can put a piece of tin foil on it to prevent it from being burnt.

    When it is found that the birthday cake has a slight decline from the beginning of the maximum situation, it will be almost ripe after being baked for another 5 minutes. At this time, the house will be full of fragrance. The way to judge whether the birthday cake is cooked is similar to Qi Feng's cake. It is malleable to gently press it with your fingers, and it is not easy to bring out the tissue inside with a wooden stick.

    The next step is demoulding, cooling and molding. The soft, delicate, delicious Qifeng cake is being made

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