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Black tea fire or fire

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Black tea fire or fire


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  • 2024-05-25 21:01:44

    The first impression of green tea is actually soft. It is neither easy to get angry nor cold. In the whole process of baking and mellowing green tea, its cool nature is weakened at a very large level. Only when it is baked soon, there will be some heat, but most people are not easy to eat green tea at this time. Therefore, green tea does not have the function of easily getting on fire or reducing fire. Although green tea has no such effect, there are also some teas that have the function of lowering the fire.

    1. Green tea

    According to Chinese medicine, green tea leaves are cold, which can reduce fire, produce fluid and quench thirst. In winter, if it is easy to get on fire because of often eating greasy and spicy food ingredients, drinking black tea can clear heat and detoxify. Moreover, regular drinking of black tea can also help digestion, cough and phlegm, and prevent arteriosclerosis. Drinking green tea often has many benefits, but I think it means that everyone can drink it. People with gastrointestinal yin deficiency and internal heat should not take green tea. Green tea is more suitable for people who are easy to burn and have a fat body with solid heat constitution.

    2. Cassia seed tea

    The specific manifestations of hyperactivity of liver fire are redness, swelling, pain, irritability, and easily losing temper; Others will feel pain in both ribs, which will trouble them moving back and forth; If you wake up in the morning with dry mouth, you will continue to feel bitter in your mouth. At this time, you can drink two spoonfuls of cassia seed tea in water. If the disease persists, you can add a small amount of wild chrysanthemum in cassia seed tea.

    3. Honeysuckle Gardenia Tea

    3 grams of honeysuckle tea and 3 grams of gardenia each. Honeysuckle tea can expel heat and poison, disperse blood and diminish inflammation. Gardenia jasminoides can calm and eliminate annoyance, clear liver fire and eliminate fire. The key can be the problem of acne on the face and shallow sleep.

    4. Maogen Water Chestnut Tea

    Clean and chop 50g water chestnuts, take 50g fresh white thatch roots, put them into 500ml boiling water together, boil for 20 minutes, remove the residue, and add white granulated sugar properly. It has a good effect on dizziness, cough, dry mouth and yellowing urine caused by fire.

    5. Yellow Chrysanthemum Mint Tea

    For red eyes, swelling and pain, accompanied by dizziness, pain, bitter mouth, dry throat, red face and angry "fire". Try mixing 10g of chrysanthemum, 5g of honeysuckle tea and 3g of peppermint with boiling water to clear heat and remove heat.

    6. Lotus Seed Heart Tea

    The tongue is red and feels a bit painful. Some people have blisters on their tongue. If you have such a disease in your daily life, you should consider that it is caused by too much internal fire. In addition to a certain reflection on the tongue, people with strong emotions will continue to suffer from insomnia, restlessness, memory loss, dry mouth, constipation and other diseases. At this time, people can drink 5-10 grams of lotus seed heart in water.

    7. Honeysuckle tea honey tea

    The honeysuckle tea can dispel wind, cold wind and heat, and is also good at clearing blood toxins. It is used for various heat diseases, such as body heat, skin diagnosis, hair spots, heat toxin, sores and carbuncles, throat swelling and pain, and has significant practical effects. Take 30g of honeysuckle tea, 15g of pure honey and proper water. Clean the honeysuckle tea and put it into the pot. Put water into the pot and boil it. Turn it to a gentle fire and boil it for 10 minutes, then turn it off; Filter out the honeysuckle tea residue, cool it in the air, add pure honey and stir it evenly before eating.

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