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What is the ranking of kidney tonifying fruits?

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What is the ranking of kidney tonifying fruits?


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  • 2024-05-25 11:00:18

    Nowadays people pay more and more attention to health care and health preservation. There are many ways of health care and health preservation in daily life. Fresh fruit is something we often eat. There are many kinds of fruit. Different types of fresh fruit have different benefits for people's physical and mental health. Young people have great work pressure. If we don't pay attention to the maintenance of human body, It is very easy to cause kidney deficiency, so it is necessary to carry out kidney tonifying and yang strengthening. What is the ranking of kidney tonifying fruits?

    Kidney tonifying fruit ranking

    1. Black Mulberry

    Black mulberry has the function of protecting the liver and benefiting the kidney. It is often used in dietetic therapy to supplement yin, blood and qi. In clinical medicine, it has also been made into traditional Chinese medicine prescriptions for tonifying deficiency, such as mulberry paste, which can cure dizziness, waist pain, leg weakness and night sweats caused by insufficient kidney essence and blood. In daily life, it can also be taken in small amounts, in juice or eaten raw.

    2. Prickly berry

    The prickly berry has the effect of tonifying the kidney and locking essence. After being dry, it is still a common Chinese herbal medicine. In clinical medicine, it is commonly used to treat impotence, premature ejaculation, frequent ejaculation and bed wetting caused by poor kidney essence. In daily life, the fresh fruit can also be taken in small quantities every day, but it is not suitable to exceed 30g to prevent losing the function of protecting the kidney.

    3. Chestnut

    Chestnut has the effect of tonifying the kidney, strengthening yang, strengthening muscles and bones. In addition to taking it as fresh fruit, it can also be used in clinical medicine to treat kidney deficiency, waist and knee weakness, etc. Chestnut can be eaten raw or boiled, which can protect the kidney to a certain extent. However, it is not recommended to stir fry it because its nutrition will be seriously damaged. Take no more than 10 pills every day, and those with spleen and stomach deficiency and cold can consider reducing the dosage as appropriate.

    4. Fig

    Ficus carica has the effect of supplementing qi and nourishing yin. In the diet therapy, it is often used as a kidney nourishing diet for men. Because it contains carbohydrates and nutrients that can promote the conversion of men's body cells, its dried fruit can also regulate the metabolism of sexual growth hormone. Therefore, it has a certain effect on enhancing sexual desire, and it is recommended to have no more than 4 per day.

    5. Big cherry

    Big cherry has the effect of protecting the liver and tonifying the kidney and invigorating yang. It can be used in clinical medicine to treat waist soreness, leg weakness, fatigue and fatigue caused by insufficient kidney essence. In addition, for patients with dyspepsia, anemia and gout, big cherries are all fresh fruits that are especially suitable for taking. In daily life, it is best to take up to 10 cherries a day.

    6. Black grape

    Black grape has the function of tonifying the kidney, strengthening the yang and benefiting the liver. It can be used in diet therapy to improve dizziness, limb weakness, edema, urine deficiency and other symptoms caused by deficiency of both qi and blood. The polyphenols contained in black grapes are pure natural antioxidants, with a variety of nutrients and essential amino acids, which can reasonably maintain the liver and kidney functions. It is recommended to take 100-200g every day.

    7. Dried blueberry

    The dried blueberry has the effect of supplementing qi and blood, and can be used in diet therapy to prevent and recuperate anemia, hypertension, hyperlipidemia, gout, edema, arthritis and other diseases. The dried blueberry contains proanthocyanidins, vitamin C, phenolic compounds and fatty acids, which can reasonably maintain cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, prevent aging and improve resistance. It also has a maintenance effect on kidney function.

    8. Black jujube

    Black jujube has obvious effects of enriching blood, qi and blood. In the use value of medical equipment, it is often used as an essential medicine to nourish yin and blood and blood. It has very good practical effects on anemia, sleepiness, insomnia, and decreased eyesight. It also has certain maintenance effects on liver and kidney functions. Black jujube contains vitamin C, a variety of carbohydrates and nutrients, which are high in nutrients.


    2024-05-25 11:00:18

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