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Specific methods of instant boiled mutton pan bottom

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Specific methods of instant boiled mutton pan bottom


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  • 2024-05-26 14:00:00

    I firmly believe that everyone has undoubtedly eaten copper pot instant boiled meat, which is also called beef hot pot. Copper pot instant boiled meat is not only delicious but also has rich and colorful nutrients. Frequently eating copper pot instant boiled meat can have a very good dietetic effect, so it is loved by everyone. Copper pot instant boiled meat has the effect of tonifying kidney, strengthening yang and improving human immunity, In addition, the copper pot instant boiled meat can also have the effects of curing fatigue and reducing fever. Now let's introduce the method of instant boiled mutton pot bottom.

    Copper pot instant boiled meat, also known as "beef hotpot", originated in the Yuan Dynasty and prevailed in the Qing Dynasty. As early as the 18th century, there were several magnificent "Thousand Old Men's Feasts" held by Emperor Kangxi and Emperor Qianlong. Later, it was widely spread to Zhongshan and operated by the Halal Museum. The Hundred Tales of the Old Capital says: "The beef pot is the most common delicious food in the cold season, and it must be eaten in the mutton restaurant. Today's eating method is the evolution of scientific research on nomads in the northern region in many aspects, which has become very delicious". In 1854, Zhengyang Building was opened at the front gate of Beijing, which was the founder of the Han People's Hall selling instant boiled pork in copper pot. The meat cut out of it is "as thin as paper, all of which are detailed", making it more famous for its delicious taste.

    1. Peel and clean the cabbage. Cut frozen tofu into long pieces. Cold soaked vermicelli with small bubbles.

    2. Boil the raw materials of the stock, put other raw materials into the pot and rinse them until they are moderately cooked, dip them in the sauce and take them. Dipped in soy sauce, fermented wine, vinegar, mashed garlic, scallion, end of Xianglai, leek flower sauce, soy sauce, peanut butter, sesame oil, red fermented bean curd, historical allusions of rice wine, the copper pot pot pot pot pot pot pot pot pot pot pot is increasingly prominent. It was first recorded in the book "Shan Jia Qing Gong" in the Song Dynasty, but came to the Qing Dynasty, and was also the first food on the royal meal list of the Qing palace surgery. The best way to use the copper pot to rinse the meat is to use the copper hot pot with charcoal fire. Pick up the mutton and rinse it twice in the big bone soup. Dip it in the dipping sauce prepared with red fermented bean curd, peanut butter, leek flower sauce, scallions, garlic paste and other spices. After eating it, the whole body will be warm. The dipping sauce of the insiders is a kind of Sanqi sauce. The proportion of peanut butter and peanut butter is 3:7. Dip the copper pot to rinse the meat with this sauce, It's delicious.

    In the above article, we introduced in detail what is called copper pot instant boiled meat. We know that copper pot instant boiled meat is not only delicious, but also has rich and colorful nutrients. Frequently eating copper pot instant boiled meat can have the functions of enriching blood, qi and deficiency. The previous article explained the method of instant boiled mutton pot bottom for us in detail, and we believe that everyone has grasped it.

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