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Famous musician in the period of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty

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Famous musician in the period of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty


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  • 2023-08-23 18:00:00

    Li Yannian, a highly accomplished musician at the time of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, was born in Zhongshan (now Dingzhou City, Hebei Province), and was an advocate. His parents, brothers and sisters all knew music, and were all artists with music and dance as their professions. Li Yannian is not only good at singing and dancing, but also good at music creation. His composition level is very high, his techniques are novel and superb, and his thinking is active. He used Zhang Qian to bring back Maha Doule from the Western Regions to compile 28 "new sounds of advocacy", which are used as music for the guard of honor of the music palace. It is the first time in China's historical literature to clearly mark the name of the author and the name of the music, A musician who processes and creates music with foreign music.

    Famous musician in the period of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty

    The famous musician during the reign of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty was Li Yannian. Li Yannian wrote a song saying, "There are beautiful women in the north, who are peerless and independent. When you look at the city and then look at the country, you'd rather not look at the country and the city. It's hard to get a beautiful woman again.".

    Li Yannian, born in Dingzhou City, Hebei Province, is a musician of the Western Han Dynasty and the elder brother of Lady Li, the favorite concubine of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty. Li Yannian is good at singing and is good at music creation. He has made outstanding contributions to the formation of the music style of the Han Dynasty and the later development of music in China.

    Famous musician in the period of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty

    Li Yannian was a famous musician during the reign of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty.

    Li Yannian, male, whose birth date is unknown, died during the Taichu period of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty (104-101 BC). A highly accomplished musician, born in Zhongshan (now Dingzhou City, Hebei Province), is an advocate. His parents, brothers and sisters all know music and are all artists who take music and dance as their career. His representative work is Beauty Song.

    When Li Yannian was young, he was sentenced to corruption for breaking the law. He worked in the palace where the emperor's hounds were in charge. According to the Book of Han, his voice was popular with Emperor Wu before Lady Li was favored. According to the Records of the Historian, it was only after Lady Li was favored that Li Yannian attracted Emperor Wu's attention. However, it is clear that after Li Yannian's sister was granted the title of wife, Li Yannian was honored for a while and was granted the title of Yue Fu Xie Lv Dui. Later, his younger sister fell ill and gradually fell in love with Chi. His younger brother, Li Ji, was raped by the imperial palace. In the third year of Zhenghe, after Li Guangli surrendered to the Huns, the Li family was once again slaughtered and wiped out.

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