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What is the method of boiling corn with milk

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What is the method of boiling corn with milk


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  • 2024-05-26 00:01:48

    Many of us may not have tried to cook corn with milk. In this way, we not only retain the fragrance of corn, but also absorb the nutrition and flavor of milk. Eating some can also enhance immunity. Here is how to cook corn with milk.

    1. Prepare an ordinary corn.

    2. Prepare 240ml milk and 2 tablespoons condensed milk.

    3. Cut the corn into two sections.

    4. Add 240ml of milk, 240ml of clean water and two tablespoons of condensed milk, and mix well. The sweetness shall be subject to your own suitability.

    5. Boil it in high heat and low heat for 20 minutes, and turn over the corn twice.

    6. Soak for 30 minutes, fully immerse the corn in the flavor and keep it warm.

    7. Tray installation.


    2024-05-26 00:01:48

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