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Efficacy and function of lotus root powder

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Efficacy and function of lotus root powder


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  • 2024-05-26 14:00:00

    Lotus root powder is a very traditional health care product. Lotus root powder has many benefits to the body, and it is very convenient to make. It can be taken after being soaked in boiling water. It has a very fragrant taste and is suitable for the elderly and children. Since its sale, it has received five-star praise from many sources. The powder is made by grinding dry lotus roots. Today, we will have a detailed understanding of the role and efficacy of lotus root powder.

    Nutritional composition of lotus root powder

    Lotus root powder is a kind of food that is easily recognized by everyone, and it is hard to distinguish men, women, old and young; Lian lotus root is relatively cold when taken. It has the effect of clearing heat, detoxifying and dispersing blood, which can reasonably alleviate the symptoms of everyone's sexual fever; In addition, lotus root also contains a lot of mucus protein and dietary fiber needed by the human body, which can be easily digested and absorbed by the body.

    1. Heat clearing and blood cooling: lotus root is born with cold nature, which has the effect of clearing heat and blood cooling, and can be used to treat sexual heat symptoms; The lotus root tastes sweet and liquid, which is especially beneficial to those with dry mouth, bleeding, hemoptysis and bleeding due to fever;

    2. Moisturize the intestines, cure diarrhea, strengthen the spleen and nourish the stomach: lotus root contains mucus protein and dietary fiber, which can be fused with bile salts in the human body, cholesterol and triglycerides in food materials, so that they can be discharged from the excreta, thus reducing the digestion and absorption of long-chain fatty acids. The lotus root has a distinctive fragrance and tannin, which can strengthen the spleen and stomach and treat diarrhea, improve appetite, promote digestion, strengthen the spleen and appetizer, and help people with poor appetite recover as soon as possible;

    3. Benefiting blood and promoting muscle growth: lotus root has a high nutritional content, including iron, calcium and other nutrients. The green plant protein, vitamins and cassava starch are also very rich and colorful, which has a significant effect of nourishing blood gas and improving human immunity. Therefore, traditional Chinese medicine calls it: "the main tonic is to calm the mind and nourish the blood";

    4. Activating blood circulation and removing blood stasis: lotus root has a lot of tannins, which can close blood vessels and can be used to activate blood circulation. Lotus root can also dissipate blood. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that it can promote blood circulation without leaving blood stasis, which is the best food therapy for fever and urinary syndrome.

    Efficacy and function of lotus root starch

    The lotus root is sweet in taste, warm in nature, and can be eaten raw or cooked. It is mainly used to treat hot thirst, dissipate accumulated blood, and detoxify;

    The cooked lotus root is warm and sweet, which is beneficial to the stomach, spleen and stomach, qi, blood, and diarrhea;

    It mainly cures wind heat cough, upset dry mouth, diarrhea due to spleen deficiency, poor appetite and all kinds of blood.

    The function and efficacy of lotus root powder detailed above are believed to be mastered by everyone. In addition, lotus root powder is more suitable for those with poor appetite and hypertension. The function and efficacy of lotus root powder detailed above are believed to be mastered by everyone. In addition, lotus root powder is more suitable for those with poor appetite and hypertension, In addition, it can also help the elderly to have diarrhea, dry mouth and dry tongue. It can also be used as a baby supplement.


    2024-05-26 14:00:00

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