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Practice of Fermented Glutinous Rice Egg

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Practice of Fermented Glutinous Rice Egg


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  • 2024-05-26 13:00:16

    Fermented glutinous rice egg is a famous local snack in Sichuan, which can be boiled directly, or added with dumplings or glutinous rice cake. The food tastes very good, and is suitable for people with poor appetite. Of course, pregnant women, children, or pregnant women can also eat fermented rice egg. But some people make fermented rice egg that looks bad, and the number of eggs is small, and the taste is also affected, So how to make the best fermented glutinous rice egg? The most important thing is to choose delicious fermented glutinous rice.

    Sweet wine, also known as Jiangmi wine, wine brewing and fermented glutinous rice, is mainly made of glutinous rice, with simple brewing process, sweet and mellow taste and little ethanol content, so it is popular among people. In the production of some dishes, glutinous rice wine is often used as an important seasoning. Glutinous rice is light red, so it is also called "red wine". It is also called "water wine" because it seeps into boiling water. This home-made glutinous rice wine is mellow, sweet and less irritating; Proper amount of drink can relax muscles, activate collaterals and strengthen the body. Farmers must use this wine when they celebrate festivals or entertain guests. The leftover dregs from liquor making, mixed with salt, are called "Zama". People store it for long-term soup cooking, and some people boil it with fresh fish, which tastes very good.

    Approach 1

    Main material

    Glutinous rice (250g) Angel sweet wine starter (1 bag) egg (3 pieces)

    Production method:

    1. Wash and soak the glutinous rice for 10 hours.

    2. Steam the glutinous rice in a steamer.

    3. Steam the glutinous rice in a steamer until it is not hot.

    4. Put the glutinous rice into the yogurt machine, use a little cold boiled water to melt 3g Angel's sweet wine starter, and mix it into the glutinous rice.

    5. Turn the yogurt machine to rice wine function, ferment for 36 hours, and the mash will be ready.

    6. Add water to boil in the pot, put the fermented glutinous rice into the pot, put the eggs into the pot for about 3 minutes, wait for the eggs to agglomerate, add some sugar, and then put them into the bowl.

    Approach 2

    Main material:

    400g fermented glutinous rice, 1 egg, some jujube, some water, and some rock sugar


    1. Prepare food materials: Jujube in pots (Shanxi specialty), eggs, Lao rice wine;

    2. Add water to the pot. After boiling, take three dates, cut them in half, remove the core, and put them into the pot;

    3. After the red dates have been boiled for 6 minutes, add the whole bowl of fermented glutinous rice (400g)

    4. Stirring mash;

    5. Knock the egg into the bowl;

    6. Evenly disperse;

    7. After boiling, pour the egg liquid into the pot;

    8. Stir for a while to form egg puddles, then add some rock sugar according to your taste, boil for two minutes, and then leave the pot.

    How to make the best fermented glutinous rice egg? Two detailed methods are introduced in the article. It will be found that the production method is relatively simple. If you want to make the food more nutritious and delicious, you can add more abundant food, such as medlar, jujube, dried longan, etc. At the same time, you should control the number of eggs. You should not eat eggs without restraint. Although the nutrition of eggs is good, eating more eggs is not conducive to health, In particular, people with high cholesterol are not suitable for eating eggs in large quantities.


    2024-05-26 13:00:16

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