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How to make dry shark meat delicious?

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How to make dry shark meat delicious?


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  • 2024-05-26 14:00:00

    In daily diet, fish is a more common nutritional ingredient. Fish contains a variety of proteins and minerals, which can often supplement the nutrients and minerals needed by the human body. Different fish have different roles and practices, and dry shark meat has a high level of nutrients and practices, Each method has its own unique taste. It can be used to cook dry shark meat.

    How to make dry shark meat delicious?

    The first is to immediately cut into great white shark strips, mix them with green onion and ginger soy sauce, put them on a small plate and then put them on the wok to cook, or put a small plate on the cooking rice. The rice is cooked thoroughly, and the shark meat is also cooked thoroughly.

    The second kind: stir fry the shark meat with scallion and ginger, and put it into the old hen soup to stew together. It's delicious.

    Stir fried Great White Shark with Scallion

    Main ingredients: 250g dry great white shark, 50g scallion sections, 10g garlic slices, 10g condiments, a small amount of MSG salt, edible oil

    Specific methods:

    1. Soak the great white shark in warm water for 5 minutes, and then fish it out. Scrape the sand off the shark skin with a knife.

    2. Cut the great white shark into strips.

    3. Bring the frying pan to a boil, add cooking oil, add dried great white sharks after the seasoning is fried until it is almost ripe, add grape segments and condiments, and then stir again until it is thoroughly cooked.

    Production of curry sauce shark vaccine

    Prepare raw materials in advance: dried shark, curry powder, ginger


    1. Put the small shark stem into the water and soak it until it is soft. Slice and reserve;

    2. Add a little oil in the pan, heat it to 5, and then put the small shark into the pan and fry it until it is golden on both sides;

    3. Pour proper boiled water into the pot, and add a small amount of milk to strengthen the combination of curry sauce;

    4. Heat the fish until it is cooked. Stir fry the black pepper sauce with sugar.

    Production of Spicy Great White Shark Vaccine

    Prepare raw materials in advance: dried shark, cassava starch, red pepper, ginger, garlic, garlic, soy sauce


    1. Soak the small shark into soft water, clean and cut it into small pieces, control the water content, and then mix it with appropriate corn flour;

    2. Heat the boiling oil in the pan, fry the shark meat until it is golden on both sides, and remove the dry oil;

    3. Leave proper oil in the pot, saute shallots, ginger and scallions, add proper amount of soy sauce and cold water;

    4. Put the fried shark meat into it and add some seasonings to mix it.


    2024-05-26 14:00:00

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