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How to roast eggplant on the barbecue stand?

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How to roast eggplant on the barbecue stand?


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  • 2024-05-25 21:01:44

    Every year in summer, there are many kebab stalls on the streets and lanes of big cities. People like to meet many friends on the Internet to eat hot pot and drink while eating hot pot. It is a good way to communicate feelings and enjoy happiness in daily life. There are many kinds of barbecues in the barbecue shop, including grilled eggplant. Let's teach you the proper way to roast eggplant in the barbecue shop.

    How to roast eggplant in the barbecue shop?

    Main materials: 300g garlic.

    Auxiliary materials: 6ml oil, 2g salt, proper vegetable and fruit essence.

    technological process

    1. Prepare garlic with round and clean surface.

    2. Peel off garlic and peel it into grains.

    3. Flatten the garlic with a flower knife, which can easily remove the garlic peel.

    4. Chop the garlic roughly.

    5. Put it into the container for mashing garlic, and add a small amount of salt.

    6. Use the tail of the rolling pin to pour the garlic into a thick shape.

    7. Boil the pan and pour in oil. When the oil boils, light smoke will appear.

    8. Pour the boiling oil into the garlic powder at the moment, and stir well.

    9. Then repeat again, pour oil into the pan, boil it, pour it into garlic powder, and stir.

    10. Add a small amount of vegetable and fruit essence and stir.

    11. Garlic paste can be put in the refrigerator, and some cold dishes and noodles can be mixed.

    Main materials: Zhitian pepper, tomato

    Auxiliary materials: ginger, garlic, salt, sugar, white vinegar


    1. Take fresh Zhitian pepper, 500g tomato, a piece of ginger, and garlic on both sides. Put them into the mixer to make them sticky;

    2. Add a small bowl of water to the frying pan, boil it over low heat, put various kinds of paste into the pan, boil the sauce (leave half of the garlic and finally put it), boil it and add sugar

    (a small amount), salt, white vinegar half bottle;

    3. Remember to keep mixing with a spoon to prevent the pan from sticking, and turn off the explosion when it turns from thin to thick;

    4. Pour in the remaining chopped garlic, cool and then can it.

    Attention in actual operation:

    1. Those who are not good at eating thick and spicy taste can add a few red peppers, in addition, some tomatoes and white granulated sugar are slow

    The effect of reducing the spicy food feeling;

    2. There is also a certain order for adding condiments, which should be in the order of adding sugar and salt, vinegar and soy sauce. This is because the permeability of sugar decreases and the amount of sugar increases when salt is added first and then sugar is added. If vinegar is put too early, the strange smell will fade. Finally, raw cigarettes were added. If you like, you can also add some chicken essence at the final stage.

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