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Steak dishes

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Steak dishes


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  • 2024-05-26 10:01:55

    There are a lot of hot pot dishes on the steak plate. I firmly believe that those who have eaten beef steak should have seen it before. Generally, there are potatoes, mushrooms, onions, etc. This kind of hot pot dishes are decorative and fresh for beef steak. We can choose hot pot dishes according to our own requirements. When we eat western food, we will be stained with the sauce. This sauce is the most delicious and delicious. The hot pot side dishes are very good for relieving boredom and decorative design, especially onions and broccoli.

    Western restaurant steak side dishes

    Western steak is an indispensable ingredient in western restaurants. After Western steak was introduced to China, people have a high acceptance of Western steak, so eating Western steak has become a common way of eating. The whole process of eating western food is a very enjoyable one. Eating crisp beef steak in the pleasant music is really a great way to release pressure. Beef steak not only pays attention to practice, but also pays attention to eating methods. Even the hot pot side dishes and condiments of beef steak are also very important. What are the side dishes of western steak? Immediately announce it to everyone.

    1. Potatoes: mashed potatoes or baked potatoes, potato chips, one of the three options: juice and water can be added before taking; The latter is cut with a knife, which can be coated with a small amount of yellow cream or edible salt seasoning.

    2. Vegetables and fruits: most of them are scallions, tomatoes, carrots, broccoli, water bamboo, green beans, mushrooms, etc.

    3. Fungi: several pieces of small mushrooms.

    4. Seafood: Seafood will be shown for the seasoning of more advanced steak meals, such as a lobster tail, or two fried prawns, which are generally called monsoon paddy farm food.

    Suiminnian: Steak is usually served with sauce. There are black pepper juice, fungus juice, light yellow Penis juice, white juice, and dark brown Blanc sauce. There are also wines, generally red wine is the most suitable.

    How do you eat steak in Western Restaurant

    Eating Western style steak seems to have become a more common thing. Although eating western food seems very high-end and grand, how many common problems do you know? In fact, eating Western style steak is very important. If you don't pay attention to the etiquette knowledge of eating, it is very easy to make a fool of yourself. How about steak in western restaurant? Come and explain it to everyone.

    When a steak is in front of you, you need to prepare a steak knife and fork first. The proper posture is to hold the steak fork in the right hand and the steak knife in the left hand. Then select the appropriate size of the steak according to your own details, fix the block of beef and mutton with a fork, then cut it gradually with a knife, and immediately put the part of the fork into your mouth after cutting. When using the knife to eat, take the knife from both sides to the inside, holding the fork in your right hand and the arm in your left hand. Cut the steak from both sides to the inside and the side. If you do not cut it off once, cut it again. You cannot cut it to the stretching sub method, nor do you need to involve it. Cut the meat with proper size, and do not block it into the mouth.

    Sui Sui Nian: When you eat steak, you should keep your mouth shut and chew acne, so you don't need to cut very big when you cut it. If you want to stop eating halfway, you need to put the knife in eight characters. If you finish eating, put the knife on the plate side by side.


    2024-05-26 10:01:55

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