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What are the taboos of zucchini

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What are the taboos of zucchini


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  • 2024-05-26 14:00:00

    Many people have eaten zucchini, which is also a common vegetable on the table. The content of vitamin C in zucchini is very high. Although most people can eat zucchini, there are many food taboos to eat zucchini. For example, zucchini cannot be eaten with asparagus, which is bad for the stomach.

    1. Pumpkin+asparagus: aggravate the deficiency cold of spleen and stomach.

    Pumpkin contains more vitamin C, glucose and other nutrients, especially calcium. The nutrient content of each 100g edible part (fresh weight) of different varieties is as follows: protein 0.6-0.9g, fat 0.1-0.2g, cellulose 0.8-0.9g, sugar 2.5-3.3g, carotene 20-40 micrograms, vitamin C2.5-9 mg, calcium 22-29 mg.

    2. The zucchini should not be eaten raw. High temperature fried vegetables will release carcinogens: fried zucchini ranks first in carcinogenesis. "When vegetables such as zucchini, garlic and onions are fried at high temperature, they will produce acrylamide that may cause cancer." It is not advisable to cook them too badly to avoid nutrient loss.

    3. High temperature fried vegetables will release carcinogens: fried zucchini ranks first in carcinogenesis. "Pumpkin, garlic, onion and other vegetables will produce acrylamide that may cause cancer when they are fried at high temperature." Under certain conditions, cucurbitacin may appear in the fruits of cucurbitaceae plants, such as zucchini, cucumber and pumpkin. Therefore, once you find that vegetables such as zucchini have a bitter taste, you should never eat them.

    4. Generally, cucurbitacin has been naturally removed during the cultivation of zucchini, which can be safely eaten. However, there are exceptions. If squash crosses with other plants such as ornamental squash, cucurbitacin may be formed in its fruit. In addition, zucchini may also start the "self-protection" mechanism under environmental pressure due to hot weather to form bitter gourd to reduce the possibility of being eaten.

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