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Can honeysuckle be soaked in water with medlar

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Can honeysuckle be soaked in water with medlar


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  • 2024-05-25 19:00:00

    Honeysuckle tea is a kind of traditional Chinese medicine which is often used to make tea. When honeysuckle is soaked in water, it is better not to eat it cold, because it is very easy to cause diarrhea. If you want to take honeysuckle tea properly, you can take it hot after boiling water, so that you can give full play to the nutrition of honeysuckle tea. Then can honeysuckle tea be made with medlar?

    1. Honeysuckle tea has the functions of clearing away heat and fire, relaxing tendons and activating blood circulation, beautifying skin care, reducing blood pressure, reducing blood cell cholesterol, improving coronary artery blood volume, and preventing coronary heart disease and angina pectoris; Inhibition of cerebral thrombosis; Promote blood circulation, eliminate accumulation of peroxide body fat, promote basic metabolism, prevent aging, and protect skin and remove spots.

    2. Lycium barbarum is also called Lycium barbarum. It contains carotene, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin b3, vitamin C, vitamin E, a variety of mineral acids, carbohydrates, fatty acids, tarosine, iron, potassium, zinc, calcium, phosphorus and other ingredients.

    Traditional Chinese medicine believes that wolfberry is sweet in taste, warm in nature, and can enter the liver, kidney, and lung meridians. It can nourish the kidney, benefit the kidney and clear the eyes, harmonize the blood and moisten the lungs, moisturize the skin and beautify the face, and cultivate the dark hair. It is a panacea for improving the physical and mental health of men and women.

    3. Both honeysuckle tea and lycium barbarum are brewed together to drink tea, which gives full play to the greater role of both, and can calm the occurrence of defensive diseases. Lycium barbarum can not only make tea with honeysuckle tea, but also make tea with chrysanthemum, fat sea, old rock sugar, etc.

    Taboos of honeysuckle tea and wolfberry:

    1. People with weak spleen and stomach should not drink honeysuckle tea, chrysanthemum and medlar tea. Gold and silver tea, chrysanthemum tea and medlar tea are suitable for people with calm physical condition or internal fire, but not for people with weak spleen and stomach.

    2. Women in physiological period are forbidden to drink honeysuckle tea, chrysanthemum and medlar tea. Honeysuckle tea has a cold effect and is not suitable for long-term consumption. It is only suitable for temporary consumption in hot summer to prevent dysentery. It is very important to note that the body is weak and cold and cannot be eaten during physiological period, otherwise, side effects may occur.

    3. Honeysuckle tea, chrysanthemum and medlar tea are not available for daily consumption. It's better to drink only when you feel angry. If you drink too much, you will lose more than you gain. Choose 10g of honeysuckle tea when brewing, and drink it regularly with boiling water, but try not to drink it every day.

    4. Honeysuckle tea, chrysanthemum and medlar tea are forbidden to drink overnight. Honeysuckle is similar to tea. It can be brewed two or three times. It is not suitable for eating after overnight

    5. Gold and silver tea, chrysanthemum and medlar tea are forbidden when they are cold. Honeysuckle tea is not suitable for cold food, which is very easy to cause diarrhea. Therefore, honeysuckle soaked in water should be eaten while hot to give full play to the actual effect.

    6. Avoid eating too much, or your stomach will feel uncomfortable. Honeysuckle tea is a kind of traditional Chinese medicine with strong coldness. Eating too much of it can easily lead to stomach discomfort. If you like the taste of honeysuckle tea and drink too much at one time, you will cause some damage to your own human body.

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