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How to solve 4x 3x=10.5

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How to solve 4x+3x=10.5


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  • 2023-11-06 17:00:30

    To calculate this mathematical problem, first look at the problem clearly, then solve the problem. What to calculate first, then what to calculate, and finally give the result. 4x+3 ⅹ equals 7 ⅹ, then 7 ⅹ=10.5 should calculate how much ⅹ equals by dividing l0.5 by 7, 10.5 ÷ 7=Ⅰ. 5, then X equals 1.5, and then check the correctness and error. Take a look with l.5 ⅹ 7, and wait is not equal to 10.5.

    How to solve 4x+3x=10.5

    The solution of the equation is x=1.5

    This is a problem of solving the unary linear equation, and it is a relatively basic problem. The basic steps of solving the unary linear equation are to remove the denominator, remove the brackets, shift the term, merge the similar terms, and convert the unknown coefficient into 1. This is a relatively basic problem, and only the last two steps are needed. The specific process is as follows:


    Combine similar terms, and get 7x=10.5

    The unknown coefficient is changed into 1, and then, x=1.5

    So the solution of the equation is x=1.5

    How to solve 4x+3x=10.5

    To solve this equation, first simplify the equation, first simplify the term containing x, so put forward the x of 4x+3x, and add 4 and 3

    (4+3) x=10.5

    Step 2: 7x=10.5

    Step 3, shift the known number so that there is only unknown term x on one side of the formula, and x=10.5 seven

    Finally, the answer on the side of the known term is the result of the unknown number x.


    Finally, x equals 1.5

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